Official Fimfiction Book Club: 33rd Edition Free For All Week Announcement! Hello everycreature may I welcome you to the 33rd Edition of the Fimfiction Book club! This Week is a bit late because because I am a forgetful idiot.
Last week we finished discussing "The Irony of Applejack" by Mr Friendly that I . . sadly never got around to, which another motivation for this week but let's keep that between us , soooo we have something different this week.
This week I am declaring it a **"Free For all Week". I have no real excuse as for why I missed posting then when I should have so just feel free to tease or mock as you wish. So since it wouldn't be fair to toss in a long story or just dump something on y'all I've decided that this week we shall go out and read whatever fanfic you wish and comeback here on Thursday to Discuss it.
For extra fun it doesn't even have to be specifically Fimfiction this week, though it is preferred if you want to keep in style with the subreddit.
So let's go out and find what we are going to be reading this week! I can't wait to read what y'all find and your thoughts on your findings next week.
And if you really liked the stories feel free to leave a comment to let the author's know. Trust me as a writer myself I know just how much that is appreciated.
Also a link to the previous edition of the book club here, Official Fimfiction Book Club: 32nd Edition Final Discussion on - "The Irony of Applejack" by Mr Friendly. . . .
Tomorrow we start up with another story and next week i'll be starting up the Straw Poll again. Please feel free to give some recommendations for stories that you think would be interesting to discuss. I'll be starting up the Straw Poll next week as planned. Please either recommend some fimfiction stories for the straw poll in this thread or i'll go and find some things myself for next week. I'll see y'all then. I may or may not recycle stories from the last straw poll If any look appealing to y'all.
Submitted April 02, 2020 at 11:46AM by NewWillinium
via reddit