MLP Episodes with flawed morals/learned lessons I just finished watching S7E19 "It Isn't the Mane Thing About You" and I loved the episode, it was pretty funny and Pinkie Pie was super cute, however I feel like the moral of the story was completely flawed, especially considering the target age group.
So, after Rarity's hair gets messed up, she goes around Ponyville with a hooded cape and tries to complete the errands she had before. She kinda just stands in the back and doesn't say much which causes things to go wrong for her. Rarity complains to the others about how no one pays attention to her because she's not pretty anymore.
At this point, I was 100% sure they would tell her that looks aren't everything and that all of her confidence shouldn't be determined by being pretty, but that's not what happened. She didn't embrace her flaws and gain the confidence to show the world her non-perfect hair. She still felt the need to style it and make it completely acceptable and nice before showing it. I get why they wrote it that way, but I feel like it's not the best route they could've gone for a moral about beauty, especially with a young impressionable female audience. I feel like a "make do with what you have" lesson wasn't really appropriate here and they could've gone deeper into self esteem issues that so many people have.
I love MLP, but I feel like some of the morals in the episodes are flawed. What is your opinion? Do you feel there are other episodes with flawed or weird morals?
Submitted March 10, 2018 at 10:34AM by xhxylxyx
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