Horse short stepping in the rear About a week ago my horse started short stepping in the rear. He's still doing it and his back seems hollowed out and his neck is more a ewe neck while moving than usual. It is most prominent at a trot. He's not lame per se, just a little hitch in his get along. I don't think a vet would be of much use because he would pass a lameness exam. I have a chiropractor appointment scheduled for him on Thursday to see if that helps. I've never had a chiropractor out for any of my horses before, but I'm thinking it might be his back? I haven't ridden his since this started but have lunged him lightly a few times each way to check it he's getting better. He's stalled except for about 4 hours per day. Anyone have any ideas?
Submitted January 21, 2018 at 11:52AM by Snowflows
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