350 pound woman mounts and rides a horse
Submitted March 25, 2017 at 10:26PM by blackvine
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Hi, guys! So I've had my mare about a year and together we do primarily trail riding and light western gaming (nothing more than a lope). She's 19ish. When I bought her from a horse trader, they had her in a Argentine snaffle type bit and since then I've been working to get her on something more gentle but that still has curb action. We tried a full cheek snaffle with my trainer for about 6 months and it seemed to not work out as well for her as a mild curb.
Currently she works in this, a Myler curb knockoff and seems to go well in, for the most part. How exactly does the Myler knock-off bit work differently than a Junior Cow Horse bit, like this? Is one of these two bits generally considered to be more gentle? I'm trying to decide if I should borrow my friend's Junior Cowhorse or just stick with what we have.
I love horses, ive ridden for a while but its never been serious and is always off and on. In the future i would love to own two horses. But.. i dont even know where to begin. There is so much information out there, i dont know where to look or how to learn. I dont know how to care for them or different types of horses...
I just really want to learn. Can anyone help me by pointing me in the right direction to learning?