Red's First Trip to the Vet This is Red, a previously unhandled 3 year old filly my daughter bought. She showed up to look at her, found her back left hock to be swollen and scarred. I wasn't there. Owner convinced daughter it was an old injury from a tussle with a fence she tried to jump and failed, that it was in the process of the final healing stages... wound supposedly happened in November, 2018... Daughter bought her 3 months ago. *sigh* When Red bumps it on something, it splits and leaks watery blood.
Okay, so. Our equine vet cannot treat her, xray her, anything without a halter on. Red was too scared of people to even be touched, let alone haltered up. This picture is from 30 minutes ago, after three months of effort. She's had the halter on for about two weeks now, and has been worked on learning to lead and load without drama. Her head is tied a little long for my comfort there, but she was hauled loose to the vet. This is in the vet parking lot while waiting her turn.
I am hopeful the xrays will show something minor going on that can easily be fixed, like a foreign body that got trapped in the wound from the fence, thus not allowing a proper healing.
Keep your fingers crossed. This is Red, aka Little Sakem Dancer.
Submitted July 19, 2019 at 09:45AM by ladyofthelathe
via reddit