A Defense of Characters thread I've taken to noticing that at times people seem to misunderstand the purpose or personality of a character here or there and will often find such characters either lackluster or just find themselves not liking a character for one reason or another. In this thread I would like to see a discussion where we each defend a character that y'all think is either misunderstood by the fandom at large or just wish to correct a perception.
In my case I would like to take this chance to defend King Sombra, the show version of him at least. King Sombra is often seen as a bit of a nothing character. Just some looming threat that had no real personality or threat to the main heroes. I would like to make the defense that we learn quite a bit about the Tyrannical Unicorn(Umbrum Pony) King in the background details of his two parter. When we first learn about him we are told that it took both Princess Luna and Celestia along with the Elements of Harmony to defeat him and despite this he managed to take his Empire with him in his banishment. We next see him find Shining Armor and the Mane 6, who didn't have the Elements with them for some reason I still don't quite understand, and after a chase lose them briefly.
King Sombra has yet to fully reform at this time mind. We learn that he has been singing the Crystal Empire for weeks now and that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are dead exhausted with the effort of keeping him out and task Twilight and Friends to find some way to defeat him. They go around asking his former subjects what they know and they cannot speak of him, out of terror or a curse, only regaining hope when Twilight discovers the mention of a Crystal Fair and the Crystal Heart. To make a long story short, Sombra destroyed evidence of the Crystal Heart from the history pages and hid it away only accessible to those with himself keyed to Dark Magic, which Princess Celestia briefly taught Twilight. Not content with this he placed the Crystal Heart atop a long spire up two LONG chains of circular stairs and trapped the Crystal Heart behind a door that forces one to see and face their darkest fear, paralyzing the exhausted pony that made it that far. Through luck, Spike, Twilight managed to break the door's curse and almost grabbed the Heart when Cadence collapsed allowing King Sombra to surge forth into the Empire, his very presence corrupting the landscape and turning the skies a hellish orange. Twilight seeing this grabbed at heart only to be trapped in it's security system that blocked her magic and teleportation capabilities.
All would have been lost if not for this one THROWING his exhausted wife at Spike and the Crystal Heart that were plummeting towards the ground, King Sombra forcing a gigantic spire of Crystal out of the ground towards the falling drake and in these last moments FINALLY regained his physical form only for victory to be plucked from his hooves by a flying pretty pink princess being tossed off a balcony by her husband.
So what can we learn from this? King Sombra was immensely powerful, planned well ahead, cruel, devious, intelligent, and yet pragmatic. He did not kill the only pony that could have helped the heroes with the information on the Crystal Heart, the librarian of the archives, he also did not or could not destroy the Crystal Heart suggesting that he saw it as a weapon and or trophy. King Sombra was far from lacking a personality, just a voice to put words to him.
What do the rest of y'all think? Did I make any decent points? Do y'all have any characters that you'd like to defend in a similar way? Let us see in the discussion below.
Submitted September 20, 2018 at 12:59PM by NewWillinium
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/9hhxm4/a_defense_of_characters_thread/?utm_source=ifttt