Really considering selling my mare... I'm really considering selling my mare at this point, but am not 100% convinced yet. I'm not even sure she's marketable. The last thing I want for her is to end up in a kill pen, at auction, or with inexperienced owners who might be hurt by her. However, while she is not my idea of a well rounded beginner horse, she is not a good candidate for a serious rider in any discipline, either.
She is 17, gaited (she's a pretty smooth ride for what little I know of gaited horses), not very well trained in my opinion, has mild heaves in the summer, and is founder prone if kept on grass in the spring and summer. She was a guided trail horse for years and was used for beginner riders, but I personally would not recommend it without putting some better training into her. She is horribly buddy sour and will NOT ride alone without throwing a huge fit. She has horrible separation anxiety, which has resulted in her rearing while away from other horses, but she's only done it on the ground, never under saddle. I feel really stupid for this, but I didn't find this out until recently despite having owned her for several years, because I had always ridden her with friends before and had never taken her out alone, and other horses were never very far before. I have no clue how to fix this and am probably not capable of it, either. I can't afford to spend hundreds in training just to sell her when I've been saving up for months for training for my horse I plan to keep. I'm also not a fan of sweeping issues under the rug and pretending they don't exist, or trying to avoid the cause and ignore the problem. She only knows the bare minimum basics of trail riding and has never received any formal training.
I got her when I was just a recreational trail rider and rebuilding my confidence, but now I've returned to H/J and moved on. I'm not a fan of trail riding anymore, or the feel of most gaited horses. Not having her anymore would also free up some money to spend on my other horse's training.
Do you think she is even marketable? I will NOT do the whole "free to a good home", "companion only", or selling dirt cheap thing, because I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I'm also NOT going to lie or leave out any details about her faults. I'm not even sure how I would go about writing an ad for her. To me, her negatives outweigh her positives, which puts her at risk of going to slaughter or something else bad happening, which I don't want. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Submitted August 16, 2018 at 07:21PM by horsethrowawaysad
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