Anyone else had a case of "horse violently defended its friend animals"? A year or two ago two of my semi-distant neighbor's something-show-dog-something-wolf-something-hybrid-whatever got loose and came over, then devastated some of my chickens. I eventually noticed and managed to get control of both of the dog/wolf things and started taking them back to their home (yes, I could have just shot them legally and yes, I had my rifle anyways. I chose not to because it simply wasn't necessary to kill yet another critter - the dogs immediately obeyed me and heeled to me). Anyways, on to the story:
While dragging these jerks back to their home (one had a collar, the other one didn't so it ended up with my belt as a collar-leash-thing), one of my mares attacked the nearest dog with a rush/stomp/rearup/stomp/retreat tactic. In the end, everything sorta-worked out and everyone (except the chickens, sadly) escaped without any obvious injury, but this really got me wondering...
I had noticed previously that the horses and the chickens do interact, but never really thought much of it. Sometimes the horses would grab a chunk of their hay and toss it at the chickens in their pen, for example. Now I'm left wondering whether she attacked just because "scared of bad dog" or "dog killed my friends" or what.
Has this or something similar happened to you? Thanks.
Submitted April 16, 2018 at 11:49AM by voicesinmyhand
via reddit