My day at work was made so much better by these beauties!
Submitted May 11, 2017 at 11:06PM by Bustyislandbabe
via reddit
Well, technically it's tomorrow, but NPT is today, soo... Canadian airings are soon,
Maybe we'll see Silver Spoon,
But whoever we see,
We will be sad to be,
Out of episodes by June. Sad, right? Add your own down below about whatever you want.
Hello and again welcome to your weekly dose of 'What if injokes went too far?': 'This Week on the Plounge' wherein I inform you, the fine folks of the mane sub, what's been going on at your favourite sister subreddit, the Plounge, this past week.
Wait, what is this Plounge you speak of?
The Plounge, or more formally the MLP Lounge is /r/mylittlepony's sister subreddit. Designed to be a place where you can free of the tyranny of rules 3 and 4. A chill place for bronies or anyone to talk in a SFW chat centric environment. It can be found over at /r/MLPLounge. (most of us browse by /new though). Oh and BPM is considered essential for optimum Plounging. (we don't mind the occasional blank post over there)
Up some casual conversation with a sprinkling of ponies? Come over to this introductions thread and meet some people.
Last week's Weekly Art Challenge theme was Advertising, 1 artist participated. This week's theme is Expressions. See the thread for details!
Every week there are two Plounge member of the 'day' AMAs! You can sign up here. AMAs since last week's TWOTP are...
Top Posts
The top 5 link and self posts, for your browsing content.
Self Posts
(manually selected rather than just by score)
This is a weekly series about /u/mylittlepony_SS on NPT, covering its current activities, as well as going over some of the posts that I personally think were it's 'greatest hits', so to speak.
The format of this series will be fairly straightforward. I'm going to open with a small selection of the last week's posts to showcase. Then, a 3-post feature about some of the best posts it has ever made (by vote count - I'll probably start from the top and work my way down, so you can spoil yourself on this section by just reading the user page, but what's the fun in that?). And then a 3-post feature on some of the less popular posts that I still felt were pretty funny, which will be digging much deeper into its history to find the gems that didn't get as much exposure. Note that this last section, at least for the first several weeks, will mostly consist of quotes I've shared previously to /r/subredditsimmeta, as I need time to compile a list.
Some quotes will be trimmed for comedic effect or just because, Markov Chains being what they are, there is often a lot of gibberish included. Anything trimmed will be replaced with [...], so you can know that the post is incomplete. I will be including a link to each post so you can see the full version, and to see the posts in context, as some of them are far funnier in response to what the other bots are saying. I will provide a brief summary of context if the context is important, so you shouldn't ever need to click the links, but they are provided for convenience. Please note that some links will be intentionally broken, for the rare occasion that the context might cross the line of Rule 2 - these are exceedingly rare, but there's historically been a couple of them.
/r/SubredditSimulator is dedicated to emulating various subreddit communities, in the form of about 200 bots that communicate solely with phrases generated using Markov Chains - and based on their related subreddit as a source. In fact, the subreddit completely restricts posting to just those bots, so you can't even directly interact with them. /u/mylittlepony_SS is the bot that posts on /r/SubredditSimulator using our own subreddit as the basis for its 'speech'. As a result, it is capable of using emotes - which the admin of /r/SubredditSimulator has ported into their subreddit to let /u/mylittlepony_SS be as accurate as possible. It has occasionally posed very intriguing thoughts regarding our beloved show - and has otherwise made some hilarious statements in context of the other bots' discussions as well.
This week's posts weren't quite as coherent as the last two weeks, but that didn't stop it from coming up with a few gems, including wondering if getting a job could affect show canon. Oh, and a post made just before my thread last week broke into the top ten, and won't show up in this section, but instead in the next section. Where did it end up? You'll see there.
On to the posts.
Pinkie Pie the propagandist -- Thread
[...] This video alone makes me want to donate money so that you could think You've always been a Alicorn.
Rainbow Dash thinks Twilight could have been Discord if things had worked out differently... -- Thread
What if this is just a Discord thing. Perhaps it'll come to me in the comments that that's what Twilight could have turned into if she never made friends.
Spike thinks there is a relationship between crossposting and lifespan -- Thread
I kind of wanted to, but I don't really x-post because I kind of like to imagine that dragons have stupidly long lives. [...]
#4: Porn Star Identity mylittlepony_SS thinks showerthought's idea just isn't interesting
Porn stars should choose pseudonyms that are rated TV14 when shown on TV -- Showerthoughts_SS
Flying through water is a lot more interesting than who they really were.
#8: My Apologies My Little Pony is made in Canada, eh? -- Thread
#9: Bad Bot! mylittlepony_SS condones something unpleasant
[...] it just sounds a bit forced, in my opinion, was the correct choice.
In Preparation for the Early Hiatus... -- Thread
When is the hiatus going to be able to watch something nice for change.
The first time it ever used an emote (Requires BPM) -- Thread
Well no, but most of the changelings walking her there to make sure you're not sugg- Go on.
You *do know he's your brother, right?* -- Thread
[...] I seem to have a crush on Shining Armor.
That's all for this week.
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!
But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
[It has ponies!](/spoiler)
Becomes: It has ponies!
And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread here!!!!!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, before you go hitting that report key, hear me out.
I don't necessarily mean attractive to you, but in universe. Through the lens of TV we're limited to seeing the ponies as the relatively few pony shapes we know, but let's pretend that we see what they see for a moment.
We know Rarity is seen as a beautiful pony, Fluttershy's short modeling career probably implies that she's fairly attractive, and though it's a bit more tangential, Lauren Faust has described Twilight as "pretty".
Do we have any more material that suggests any ponies are lookers?
So last week I made a Fluttershy soundbank. After that I decided to make one for Rarity and Twilight.
Here they are.
Again, big thanks for Sunny Sandstorm, Kryospawn, Letupita725HD for providing easy access to quotes, and L3Th4lPrOdiGy and for letting me browse for quotes in the first place.
Shout-out to the makers of the Pinkie Pie and Spike soundbanks.
Have fun!
Due to the art style, it's hard to see exactly how old a lot of the background/supporting characters are supposed to be.
However, I've noticed (via flashbacks, photographs, etc.) that a lot of the major supporting characters/background ponies are seemingly around the age of the Mane Six. They might be a little older or younger, but they fall in that same basic age range.
Also, I get the impression that a lot of the random ponies that the Mane Six encounter are meant to be the same age, as well, unless they are explicitly drawn/performed as older.
(That could be explained by simply being easier for animators and performers, but this is my discussion thread, so I'm going with a Watsonian/in-universe explanation.)
As of right now, the popular assumption is that the Mane Six are in their early 20s. If that's true, then a not-insignificant amount of ponies are in the same age-range.
What might have caused an Equestrian Baby Boom around 20 or so years before the present?
In our world, baby booms occurred for various reasons, including advances in medical science and the end of wars.
Assuming that my theory (that a disproportionate amount of the Equestrian population is in their early-to-mid 20s) is correct, what might have caused this baby boom?
I really want to join this week-long program where I live where they teach you how to ride and care for horses. I want to learn something new but I've heard a lot about how horseback riding can cause serious injuries even if you wear precaution like a helmet so I was wondering is there anything I should do or wear before trying to ride a horse?
A question came up on AskReddit about what subculture do people not understand, and inevitably the brony subculture was mentioned. The usual explanation was given, which is that it's a great show. Which is true. But I gave my own answer, and a couple of bronies replied that they thought it was insightful and showed them something about themselves. So I thought it was worth reposting here:
I think the reason it has become a subculture is that the show has hit an untapped vein of fiction that resonates with people. The main characters of the show learn life lessons, lessons in socialization, in how to interact with others. But, none of them live with their parents, none of them attend an organized school, and all of them have jobs, more or less. A librarian, a baker, a farmer, a self-employed clothier, a stunt flyer, and an animal caregiver. By any reasonable definition of the word, the characters are adults.
For those of us in the real world who are also nominally adults, or approaching that state, we identify with that situation of still having to learn how to interact with people. So to be shown a world where that's normal and where people aren't looked down upon for committing faux pas, it's quite attractive.
I have recently taken the position of Equine Manager at a local therapeutic riding facility. We currently have an 7-horse herd; 4 geldings, 3 mares). The management prior to me took an extremely natural and holistic approach to horse care. It's not that I'm closed off to holistic approaches and there certainly are some benefits, however it's hard for me to refute science.
I digress.
I looked into our equine first aid kid the other day looking for some SWAT and some antibiotic and found nothing in the kit except 3-year expired bacitracin. This sent me into a flurry/panic and, while I have some basic tools to put in:
-Hoof Pick, scissors, thermometer, flashlight, gloves, etc. etc. etc.
-Vet Wrap
-Gauze (roll and pads)
-Triple antibiotic ointment
What else is your must-have in your equine first aid kit?
Being a non-profit, I'm trying to be budget conscious and not go over the top. As much as I would love a thermogram for detecting abscesses, etc. it's not in the budget.
Also, if anyone knows any companies who are willing to donate/reduce prices for non-profits please let me know!
Thanks in advance for your help!