Happy NPT! A while back (under a different username) I made a similar post where I analyzed the entire MLP transcript and did some fun analysis like counting the number of mentions each of the Mane Six made to each other. Well, I revisited that program so that I could compile the transcript into a useful format for anybody to use.
If you're not a programmer, feel free to ignore that (or maybe just open it up with a text editor and look around, because it's still pretty neat). But if you are, it should be pretty easy to extract the data and do with it whatever you please. A different script I made grabs data from the MLP wiki and converts it into the JSON file.
It's structured like this:
- Outer layers are grouped by season
- Season layers are grouped by episode title
- Episode layers are grouped by "lines" in the transcript
- Lines are grouped by "character" and "text" that display the speaking character and corresponding dialog
Here's a quick Python script I made for an example in parsing the JSON file:
import json with open("MLP_All_Seasons_Transcipt.json", 'r') as f: MLP = json.load(f) # Dictionary to keep track of data (example that I don't use here) CHARACTERS = { "Twilight Sparkle": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["twilight sparkle"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Rarity": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["rarity"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Pinkie Pie": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["pinkie pie"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Applejack": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["applejack"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Fluttershy": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["fluttershy"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Rainbow Dash": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["rainbow dash"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Starlight Glimmer": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["starlight glimmer"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Spike": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["spike"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Apple Bloom": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["apple bloom"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Sweetie Belle": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["sweetie belle"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Scootaloo": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["scootaloo"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, "Princess Celestia": {"lines":0, "mentions": {"aliases": ["princess celestia"], "count":0}, "episodes": []}, } # Simple example to show every line where Rainbow Dash says 'awesome' for season in MLP: print(season) for episode in MLP[season]: print("\t" + episode) for line in MLP[season][episode]: if line["character"] == "Rainbow Dash" and "awesome" in line["text"].lower(): print("\t\t" + line["text"] + "\n")
Here's the result from my example (which shows every line Rainbow Dash says that contains the word "awesome"):
Season 1 Applebuck Season Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete. This week she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's gonna be so awesome. The Best Night Ever Hey, Spitfire! You ever done a rain cloud double backflip? [to Soarin] You ever soared past lightning? It's awesome! A Bird in the Hoof Boast Busters So, "Great and Powerful Trixie". What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway? Bridle Gossip Call of the Cutie The Cutie Mark Chronicles A Dog and Pony Show Dragonshy Fall Weather Friends Right, heh. Somepony's gotta record my awesomeness for the history books. [grunt] Feeling Pinkie Keen Friendship is Magic, part 1 Friendship is Magic, part 2 Green Isn't Your Color Griffon the Brush Off Oh, awesome. Who? Who? Do I know them? I'm sorry everypony, for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her. Look Before You Sleep Over a Barrel Owl's Well That Ends Well Party of One The Show Stoppers Sonic Rainboom Stare Master Suited For Success Swarm of the Century The Ticket Master YES! This is so awesome. The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year. I can see it now. Everyone would be watching the sky. Their eyes riveted on the Wonderbolts, but then in would fly Rainbow Dash! Winter Wrap Up Season 2 Baby Cakes A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 The Cutie Pox Dragon Quest Family Appreciation Day A Friend in Deed Hearth's Warming Eve Hearts and Hooves Day Hurricane Fluttershy This is crazy awesome! We're gonna smash that record! You did awesome, Fluttershy. It's About Time The Last Roundup Lesson Zero Luna Eclipsed May the Best Pet Win! Grrgh, ugh, fine! But don't say I didn't warn you! This isn't a game, you know! Alright, now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet. Speed. Agility. Guts. Style. Coolness. Awesomeness. And radicalness. [to bat] Sorta awesome. [to toucan] Not awesome. [to flamingo] Could be more awesome. [to owl] Ho ho ho, yeah, that is awesome! [to tortoise] Uh, you did that already. That's pretty much all you can do, huh? Whoa! That was truly awesome! But I'm afraid this is the radicalness competition, so I'm gonna have to take some points off. MMMystery on the Friendship Express The Mysterious Mare Do Well And then I zoomed into the well. I knew it would be dark and dangerous, but I didn't let that stop me. Danger's my middle name. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash. Thinking back on it, I acted pretty awesomely heroic that day. All anypony talks about is Mare Do Well this and Mare Do Well that! What about me? How could everypony forget about me so easily? I mean... have I changed? Same sleek body. Same flowing mane. Same spectacular hooves. Nope, I'm still awesome. They're wrong. But... then... why am I all alone? I hate being all alone. Ponyville Confidential Are you kidding? Do you know how awesome it is to get your name in the paper? Putting Your Hoof Down Read It and Weep Good? Try awesomely amazing. That book is undeniably, unquestionably, un-put-down-able! But then I had to put it down; I was sent home before I could finish it. "...The world was safe and sound once again, thanks to Daring Do!" [sighs in admiration] 'Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet'. Awesome! The Return of Harmony Part 1 The Return of Harmony Part 2 Pfft. Loyalty, schmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything's awesome. Secret of My Excess Sisterhooves Social The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Sweet and Elite Season 3 Apple Family Reunion The Crystal Empire - Part 1 The Crystal Empire - Part 2 Huh. Seeing my awesomeness does have a way of putting ponies into a pretty good mood. Games Ponies Play And it's probably also because we'll be awesome at it. Just for Sidekicks Keep Calm and Flutter On Magic Duel Magical Mystery Cure Ha! Twilight's got wings! Awesome! A new flying buddy! [laughs] One Bad Apple Sleepless in Ponyville Spike at Your Service Sweet! What are you having him do? Wash your laundry? Clean your room? Help you with your unfinished novel? Mine's about this awesome Pegasus who's the best flyer ever and becomes the captain of the Wonderbolts! Too Many Pinkie Pies Wonderbolts Academy Awesome? My friends could have been smashed to pieces! Season 4 Bats! Castle Mane-ia Daring Don't Because the next Daring Do book is coming out exactly four months from today! That's how exciting it is! So what amazing, incredible, awesome adventure do you think Daring Do will have in her next book, huh? Just had the coolest adventure with the coolest pony ever. Came this close to blowing it because I got so wrapped up in how awesome she was, I almost forgot about how awesome I was. Good thing I didn't, 'cause it gave me a chance to show her how important it is to put your trust in somepony else. Equestria Games That's the spirit! You hear that, everypony? Winners or not, we all still have the chance to be awesome! Awesome! That was awesome! Filli Vanilli Flight to the Finish Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway. Who's the toughest little pony in town? For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils Inspiration Manifestation It Ain't Easy Being Breezies I've never done it before, not that I won't be totally awesome at it, because I totally will! Leap of Faith Maud Pie (episode) Awesome? Pinkie Apple Pie Pinkie Pride Totally awesome! Power Ponies No biggie. I was already awesome. And now we've all got superpowers! Awesome! Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1 Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 Rainbow Falls Yeah, I'm pretty awesome. Rarity Takes Manehattan Simple Ways Somepony to Watch Over Me Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 Three's A Crowd Trade Ya! Twilight Time Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1 Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2 Season 5 Amending Fences Appleoosa's Most Wanted Bloom & Gloom Brotherhooves Social Canterlot Boutique Castle Sweet Castle You think that's weird? She raced me, like, a hundred times the other day. And lost every time! She just kept goin'! Best out of ten, best out of twenty, best out of a hundred! I mean, I know hanging out with me is awesome, but it was like she'd rather keep losing than— Crusaders of the Lost Mark The Cutie Map - Part 1 'Cause fighting a horrific monster would be super-awesome! The Cutie Map - Part 2 The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1 The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2 I mean, I knew my rainboom was awesome, but I never thought all of Equestria depended on it! Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? Hearthbreakers The Hooffields and McColts The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone Made in Manehattan Make New Friends but Keep Discord The Mane Attraction The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows Party Pooped Princess Spike Rarity Investigates! It is pretty sweet. And I do get to stay in the castle, hang out with the Wonderbolts, and eat awesome food at the dinner tonight. Speaking of the dinner, you're still coming, right? [gasps] Really? That's incredible! Guess I'll just watch Wind Rider being awesome from the sidelines... Practice tomorrow is gonna be so boring. I won't let you down, Soarin! [squeals] This is the best thing ever! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! [sing-song] I'm gonna get to fly with Wind Rider and the Wonderbolts, 'cause I'm the bestest and I'm awesome and they know it! [continues under] Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh... Scare Master Ha! Awesome! Slice of Life Tanks for the Memories You're doing awesome, everypony! Keep it up! We need those leaves off those trees! Once we get autumn cleared away, it'll be hello, winter! Riding that entire season from Cloudsdale to Ponyville was pretty awesome. What About Discord? Season 6 28 Pranks Later And I'm gonna switch them with the Filly Guide cookies. When Scootaloo and her friends sell them, everypony in town's gonna get a rainbow mouth courtesy of Rainbow Dash! Ha-ha! It's gonna be so awesome! Pretty soon, the CMCs will start selling them to everypony in town. Ponies will open their boxes and start eating, then all of their teeth will turn rainbow-colored, and they'll know it was me! It's gonna be so awesome! C'mon, you don't wanna miss it! Applejack's "Day" Off Buckball Season [panting] No, thanks. Playing against you two is just as humiliating now as it was when we weren't trying to show you how awesome you are. The Cart Before the Ponies The Crystalling - Part 1 The Crystalling - Part 2 Dungeons & Discords Every Little Thing She Does The Fault in Our Cutie Marks Flutter Brutter And it was super awesome of you to invite me too! Things have been so busy with the Wonderbolts lately, it's great to get a chance to relax someplace quiet. Hah, awesome! Gauntlet of Fire The Gift of the Maud Pie A Hearth's Warming Tail Dangerous?! It's awesome! It's the day we remember how unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies came together in friendship to defeat the windigos! Oh, no, the eggnog was awesome, Flutterholly, I'm just mad at somepony who was complaining about how awful Hearth's Warming Eve is. Ha. You kidding? No one's ever given me dragon toenail before! It's awesome! Now come get some eggnog! Newbie Dash Now that my awesomeness has finally been recognized, the other Wonderbolts will have to keep up or eat my cloud trail! Lookin' good! Okay, you're about to take your first flight as an actual Wonderbolt. [sighs] No pressure. [stretching groan] Just gotta go out there and knock 'em off their hooves. Okay, Wonderbolts, get ready to meet your most awesome member ever! Oh, yeah? Did you want some ideas on how to make the show extra-awesome? What could be wrong? I'm finally a Wonderbolt, which means everything has to be totally, perfectly awesome. That's it! I'm gonna stand out in a different way, just like you guys! Goodbye, Rainbow Crash; hello, Captain Awesome! I was just, you know, trying to show everypony all the awesome ways I can contribute to the 'Bolts. Oh, yeah, they're all busy doing, uh, official Reserve stuff. But don't worry! With Scootaloo's help, everything's gonna be awesome. Better than awesome! That kick will shoot off a lightning bolt right behind me, making me look totally awesome! And then I'll do some incredible Rainbow Dash flying with it to create the coolest, show-stoppingest, lightning-tastic light show anypony has ever seen! Uh-huh! It's gonna be so awesome! And nopony will ever call me "Rainbow Crash" after this! No Second Prances On Your Marks P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View) The Saddle Row Review After a lifetime of awesome, I think everypony's allowed to mess up every now and then, right? Spice Up Your Life Stranger Than Fan Fiction [sighs] I am so glad I ran into you. Even though I knew the convention would be totally awesome, it's more fun when you're with someone who really knows Daring Do. Okay, now I know you're crazy. A. K. Yearling is awesome, and every Daring Do book that comes out is better than the last! Yes! Sounds like another awesome Daring Do adventure! But... what are you doing here? Ugh! Sorry, Quibble, I've got more important things to do than argue with a pony who thinks awesome means unrealistic. Well... I-I'm not the one who can locate a treasure in half the time Daring Do can! You may have terrible taste in books, but you're pretty awesome yourself. In a brainy, egghead, puzzle-solving kind of way. Heh. The Times They Are A Changeling To Where and Back Again - Part 1 To Where and Back Again - Part 2 Top Bolt Spring training was awesome, but I can't wait to see my friends! Awesome! [beat] Does that mean there's bad news? That's a mighty big claim, considering everypony here is an amazingly awesome crazy-good flyer. Sky obviously has no idea he's not actually amazingly awesome. Oh, you were awesome! Viva Las Pegasus Where the Apple Lies Season 7 All Bottled Up Well, we are awesome. But technically, we weren't the last ponies to save Equestria. Campfire Tales You want stories? I've got a ton of stories! Spoiler alert – they're all about me and how awesome I am! Told ya! He always inspired me to be my brave and awesome self. Celestial Advice Daring Done? Watch this. [to Elder Stallion] Hiya there, mister! I was hoping you could tell me about a pony named Daring Do. I hear she's an awesome adventure-pony hero. Are you kidding? That... was... awesome! Discordant Harmony Fame and Misfortune [laughing] I'm awesome. You think you've got problems? I know I'm awesome, but I can't even go to the bathroom without somepony trying to tell me how cool I am! [beat] Uh, Rarity? What are you wearing? There are worse things than not being able to do anything without being told I'm awesome. A Flurry of Emotions Fluttershy Leans In Pretty awesome. How about putting an awesome flying course for the birds right there? Forever Filly Hard to Say Anything A Health of Information Honest Apple It Isn't the Mane Thing About You Yeah! And we're here to remind you how awesome you are, mane or no mane! Awesome! I don't know why you were so upset. Your mane looks awesome! Marks and Recreation Not Asking for Trouble Or it's super-easy 'cause I'm awesome. Once Upon a Zeppelin Parental Glideance See this picture? It looks like I won something awesome, but actually... You're right. I was always so embarrassed by my parents that I didn't realize their support actually made me the awesome, confident, amazing, awesome, and awesome pony I am! [sighs] And I took them for granted. The Perfect Pear Rock Solid Friendship A Royal Problem Secrets and Pies Awesome! Three lemon meringues? Uh... Hey, what's that over there? Shadow Play - Part 1 Okay. That was awesome. Shadow Play - Part 2 To Change a Changeling Triple Threat Uncommon Bond
Other random things I pulled from this data (because it's addicting):
- The word "coffee" is mentioned twice in all of MLP, by a characted named "Suri Polomare" in "Rarity Takes Manehattan" in season 4.
- In contrast, there are 321 lines where the word "friendship" is mentioned at least once.
- Rarity has said "darling" 85 times (so far).
- Twilight has said "book" or "books" 107 times (so far). Rainbow Dash has uttered that word only 40 times.
- Number of lines that use the word "everypony" in seasons 1-7: 48, 78, 18, 67, 84, 81, 53
Total number of lines per season, as well as individual words:
Season 1: 5697 lines, 819k words Season 2: 5143 lines, 764k words Season 3: 2666 lines, 215k words (Less episodes) Season 4: 4919 lines, 819k words (Notice that there are less lines, but the same number of words as season 1.) Season 5: 4809 lines, 837k words (Even less lines, even more words. More exposition and complexity?) Season 6: 5150 lines, 913k words (More lines now, but also more words.) Season 7: 5462 lines, 898k words (We get even more lines, but fewer words now.)
The "inquisitiveness" of a character (Lines containing '?' over the total number of lines):
Twilight Sparkle: 28.7% inquisitive Starlight Glimmer: 33.3% inquisitive (Higher % may be due to Starlight only existing as a student for most her lines) Rarity: 27.2% inquisitive Pinkie Pie: 27.7% inquisitive Applejack: 29.3% inquisitive Fluttershy: 25.9% inquisitive Rainbow Dash: 28.4% inquisitive Spike: 30.1% inquisitive
The "excitability" of a character (Lines containing '!' over the total number of lines):
Twilight Sparkle: 37.6% excitable Starlight Glimmer: 32.5% excitable Rarity: 46.6% excitable Pinkie Pie: 65.1% excitable (What a surprise!) Applejack: 35.1% excitable Fluttershy: 31.3% excitable Rainbow Dash: 48.2% excitable Spike: 40.7% excitable
The "rambliness" of a character (A rough average number of words per line):
Twilight Sparkle: 13.5 Starlight Glimmer: 13.5 Rarity: 15.0 (Probably from those extra 'darlings' :P) Pinkie Pie: 13.0 Applejack: 13.6 Fluttershy: 12.4 Rainbow Dash: 12.1 Spike: 11.0 Princess Celestia: 17.9 (Including to show how much of a difference there can be)
Somebody with more time and ideas, PLEASE feel free to download that .json file and make something cooler (at least 20% so). I can do requests for simple things, but wont be able to do so until later this evening. Yes, I know the episodes aren't shown in order :P
I Hope you enjoyed this delicious data dump. I look forward to seeing what some people can do in terms of visualizing some more interesting things. Just a couple days until Season 8!
Link to the previous, similar topic I made 7 months ago (I promise it's me :P): https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/6rbv12/analyzing_the_entire_mlpfim_transcript_to_figure/
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/86bb4p/data_dump_heres_a_json_file_that_contains_the/?utm_source=ifttt