Submitted May 24, 2018 at 10:26PM by HazDaddySlim
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/8lz0w9/yup/?utm_source=ifttt
When I first started watching the show, I didn't care for Pinkie Pie much. For the first 4 episodes of the first season, I saw her as a crazy party pony who was more irritating than helpful and had no personality depth. However, this all changed in episode 5, "Griffon the Brush-Off". During one scene Rainbow Dash was about to pull a prank on Fluttershy, but Pinkie Pie told her not to prank Fluttershy because she was too sensitive. At that moment my liking of Pinkie Pie went way up.
That scene showed how even though Pinkie Pie seems a bit crazy and over the top, she is actually very thoughtful and deeply cares about everypony. The writers did a pretty good job at carrying on her personality. This was especially obvious in "A Friend in Deed", when she tried to make Cranky Doodle Donkey happy. For most of the episode, she failed to do that and ruined everything. But at the end we see that the entire time she was just trying to make him happy because she cares about his happiness. Even though from the outside it seemed that she was only making things worse, on the inside she was doing everything she could to lift his spirits - and in the end she succeeded. This for the most part, is why she remained one of my favorite ponies throughout much of the show. The writers did a very good job at keeping her character deep. That is - until recently.
During the beginning of season 6, I noticed Pinkie Pie started to get irritating. I couldn't really place my finger on what it was, and whether something was changing about the way she was written, or if I was just imagining it. But "Rock Solid Friendship" confirmed what I had feared. During the whole episode, I found her extremely irritating. I know that she has always been the most hyper of the main characters, but this was over the top. She was constantly yelling through the entire episode. She even started making up stupid excuses for Maud to move to Ponyville. "Is that a rock shaped like Lyra Heartstrings?!?!" This was over the top even for Pinkie. I know she was desperate for her sister to stay in Ponyville, but this behavior just wasn't like her at all. If she actually cared for Maud's happiness, she should have been a little pushy at first - but then stepped back and let her choose for herself. If Maud wasn't going to be happy in Ponyville, Pinkie shouldn't try to force her to move there if she truly cares about making her sister happy. Other episodes in the latest two seasons seem to reflect this too. I distinctly remember finding her yelling annoying in "All Bottled Up". Even in "The Maud Couple" she seemed to be out of character, although that wasn't as bad.
In more recent seasons, it seems that the writers have moved away from the Pinkie Pie who only wants to make everypony happy. They have begun to use her as a bit more of a gag, using all her crazy, over the top shenanigans as a humor element. As a consequence, this has removed the deep personality she had for the first 5 seasons, and made her character more "shallow". I know all of the characters have changed a lot from the start of the show, but it seems that Pinkie's change has had the most impact on her character.
But this is just my opinion, and despite the lack of depth I've been seeing recently, she is still funny and I still enjoy Pinkie centered episodes. Maybe I am overlooking something and I'm actually totally wrong. Your thoughts?
TL;DR - In seasons 1-5 Pinkie was very thoughtful and cared about everypony. But in recent seasons it seems that she has become more annoying and has a more shallow personality.
So, because it's No-Pics Thursday (May 24th, 2018) today, you know what that means...
It's time for the Weekly Fanfic Recommendation LINK-SWAP Game thread to continue!
Anyways, THE RULES (read 'em carefully):
Post a link to a fanfiction you like (can be your own as well - it's okay to self-promote), with or without a short blurb.
Important: Reply to someone else's post with a link to a fanfiction you think they might like, based on their choices.
Put each of your choices in a separate post if you want to make sure to get a recommendation based on each one. You may reply to someone else's reply, either to you or to someone else. Please make long discussion threads, they introduce a healthy bit of exploration and can help us find new interests! And that's it!
PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH STEPS 1 and 2. Don't just show up and ask for recommendations if you're not willing to provide any. I'll start the first few threads myself, and reply with a gentle reminder if you forget.
IMPORTANT NOTE. Thanks to /u/BookHorseBot (many thanks to their creator, /u/BitzLeon), you can now use the aforementioned bot to easily post the name, description, views, rating, tags, and a bunch of other information about a fic hosted on Fimfiction.net. All you need to do is include "{NAME OF STORY}" in your comment (without quotes), and the bot will look up the story and respond to your comment with the info. It makes sharing stories really convenient. You can even lookup multiple stories at once.
Ready? Set? LET"S GO! Also, feel free to self-promote in here!
Warning: This is going to get a bit long.
I recently have come to the realization that I used to rewatch episodes a lot, but recent seasons I don't rewatch much at all. And now I don't rewatch the older episodes either -- in fact, I haven't really re-watched any of the show since around the end of Season Four, when I moved out of my sister's place and no longer lived with my niece.
As such, I got to wondering how much my opinion on various episodes will have changed over the years. Will episodes I previously disliked suddenly be good? Will episodes I loved before fall flat?
I thought it would be fun to share my experiences, so I sat down and hammered out a brief blurb about each episode before I watched it, and then wrote some after watching to constrast the two perspectives. I intend to also ramble a bit about anything that jumps out to me as interesting, though many of those may be things people already know and I am just slow to catch on.
I have spreadsheets I've written out at various times that rate every episode on a "Bad/Okay/Good" scale [which is more about how much I enjoyed them] and a 0-5 scale [which is intended to be bit more objective on quality], and I'll be comparing against those. Before beginning, I filled out a few of the holes in both spreadsheets (though most of it was already completed, as I've updated both regularly).
With out any further ado,
Before Watching: I've never been too keen on the show's introductory episodes. They do an adequate job of setting up some of the show's lore, which was what drew me to the show in the first place, but I've always remembered the narrative of the episodes falling flat, especially when it came down to the Mane Six 'demonstrating' their elements. And I've always hated cop-out tools for resolving conflict like the EoH are. I doubt this particular rewatch will shift my opinion any, as I've watched these two episodes more than most.
According to my previous episode rating speadsheet, I've rated these episodes collectively before as Okay and 2/5.
After Watching: The first thing that immediately jumped out at me is the absolute simplicity of the backgrounds. We're really spoiled in recent seasons, comparatively.
In Part 1, I can't help but feel there's some character quirks that have been ironed out since, particularly Spike's apparently lacking vocabulary.
On the subject of Spike, the way his character plays off Twilight is top notch here. There's some other character attributes I find amusing to see evidence of straight away that I've never connected with before. RD is 'practicing for the Wonderbolts', and lazing around doing nothing. Fluttershy is constantly and actively avoiding eye contact.
Pinkie Pie's the odd one out here. I never realized that she has no stated (or apparent) role in the Summer Sun Celebration, which stood out to me for some reason. She threw a party, sure, but it wasn't for the SSC in any official capacity. Also, Pinkie's scenes are characterized by a lot of fast, sharp cuts, which I never took note of before.
One thing that stood out to me as Part 1 comes to a close is that Nightmare Moon appears to be aware of the legends surrounding her. That seems odd, and can only really be explained by Luna having awareness of Equestria during her imprisonment.
Part 1 -- 9 / 10, far better than I remember.
During Part 2, I noticed something peculiar. I think it might have started in Part 1, but I didn't notice it then. Twilight physically cringes every time a pony mentions friendship, as if she's literally terrified of the thought. I also never really noticed that there's a great direction in the library where the camera pans across the Remaining Five, in order, as Twilight recites off the Elements she reads from the book.
Moving further into the episode, though ... things kinda start to fall apart. Twilight is capable of teleporting, so why is she freaked out about falling off a cliff? She's got enough leverage to hang there long enough to get the spell going - AJ has to prompt her to let go. Normally I'd overlook this, as most episodes tend to forget she can teleport, and yet she does so when charging at NMM later in the episode anyway, which just makes it a weirdly placed thing.
When the Manticore arrives, Rarity literally kicks it in the head. I only bring this up because I recall reading the transcript of a panel wherein one of the directors said Hasbro wouldn't let Twilight physically punch Tirek in the face. Feels like a double standard.
Right before Pinkie's song, Applejack makes a manure joke. A literal poop joke, subtle as it might be. This apparently went over my head on every previous viewing.
Steven Magnet seems fucking huge compared to his later appearances. Not that he's small then, either.
A lot of the facial expressions really deliver quite well, leading me to feel that the recent trend of super-exaggerated facial expressions is actually a step back for the series. They're funny at first, but they've grown tired. I love seeing the creativity in 'normal' expressions.
Right before NMM appears at the castle, the rest of the Mane Six leave the room for like ... three seconds. I can't figure out what narrative purpose that serves, as NMM teleports Twilight away moments later, rendering their location irrelevant.
It's curious that Twilight seems disoriented after teleporting in her encounter with NMM. I don't think she's disoriented by any other teleport, and many of them are done with far less preparation.
Why is Twilight shocked that Luna is Celestia's sister? She literally read this in a book at the start of Part 1. The rest of the Mane Six make some sense, but Twilight makes none at all. Also, I still think this is the best Luna design.
This episode is a big step back from Part 1, mostly hamstrung by Rarity and Applejack's connections to their elements being presented so poorly. I'm not keen on Pinkie Pie and RD's either, but they're at least coherent. Despite all that, I still enjoyed the episode far more than I recall on previous viewings.
Part 2 -- 7/10, better than I remember
Before Watching: I've only watched this episode a scant few times despite its age. I remember being annoyed by it, but I don't recall much else. My spreadsheets say Bad and 0/5, so I apparently really didn't like it.
After Watching: Is it just me, or is Celestia's letter to Twilight at the beginning of the episode extremely over-formal? Did Celestia literally just send an advertisement and scribble some extra notes on it?
The sequences of the Mane Six begging for the tickets brings a lot of observations.
1) Dash mentions her 'signature moves' a couple of times this episode. I don't think they ever come up again.
2) Pinkie Pie's reflection during her song moves independently of her real self, which might be the first firm instance of her reality-bending weirdness.
3) It's still strange to me that Blueblood is never mentioned again after Season One, but being Celestia's nephew really needs a canon explanation. Rarity claims marrying Blueblood would make her a Princess, so being an alicorn is not a requisite thing. This logic also means Shining Armor is formally a Prince -- is that ever mentioned?
4) Fluttershy actually flutters during her daydream of the castle gardens - I don't think I've ever seen a pony fly quite like that anywhere else in the series, but it looks super cute and I really wish it was a defining part of her character to fly like that (and, given her name, may have been intended as such but never implemented?)
She also gets unexpectedly angry at points in the episode, which shows a weird inconsistency with her character only a few episodes in. I guess it's no surprise that her characterization has suffered throughout the series.
5) Rarity wants to go to the Gala in matching outfits? That seems out of character to me, but whatever.
At the end of the episode, each pony's ticket levitates with them as they leave. While Rarity and Twilight's horns are both lit, the tickets are in a golden aura, but neither Twilight nor Rarity have a golden aura with their magic, and they seem to be responding to the will of the ponies 'taking' them. Obviously, the non-unicorns shouldn't be able to do this. Do the tickets carry magic of their own? Who is levitating the other four?
7/10, way better than I remember. I'm really curious why I hated this episode so much before.
Before Watching: I have seen this episode a lot - probably more than any other episode, since it was my son's favorite episode for the longest time, and I've always found it mildly amusing, though not particularly great. My spreadsheets show it as Okay and 3/5, which seems to corroborate that.
After Watching: Parts of this episode are really funny. Parts of it are forced. I think I enjoyed it less this time than I have before, but I didn't dislike it. I don't really have that many notes on this one.
I still think the exchange with the stampeding cows is really bizarre in hindsight, though at this stage in the show's run there is nothing wrong with it. It's more an issue that the cows are largely ignored afterward. I also find it strange that RD has literally zero concern for AJ's physical well-being while she faceplants repeatedly from 20 feet up.
Sweet Celestia, just how long was Twilight's speech going to be? That stack of note cards is massive. On the subject of Twilight, she teleports again in this episode. If you take Part 1 and 2 of Friendship is Magic as a single episode, she's teleported in literally every episode of the series up to this point.
One thing that's clear to me after these first few episodes is that Spike is noticeably more childlike than in recent episodes, which really does make his unrequited crush on Rarity a lot easier to process from Rarity's perspective: Why address the crush of a little boy? He'll grow out of it, won't he? That the show continues to avoid Rarity's opinion on the matter as he seems to mature a bit really feels off.
Has Redheart's cutie mark always had the hearts in it? I know they changed it due to a complaint from Red Cross, but I don't recall it having hearts around it before, which also makes it strange that Red Cross would complain. Whatever, I kinda like the new mark anyway.
6/10, about what I expected. This is the first episode that didn't really change my perceptions at all.
Apparently, at some point, reddit increased the character limit on posts. I never noticed until now, cuz this went super long and I was shocked I was able to post it.
So, I just find this amazing fan game that is a crossover betwen mlp and ace attorney, it's not too long and just one case however you can just feel the passion and love poured into this thing. Anyway just wanted to share it with you guys
Follow-up from last week's discussion.
Anyway, it seems the primary units that ponies concern themselves with seem to be length, volume, and mass. They do not seem like they need to use equivalents for the entire SI base unit set, due to magic negating the need for many other types of measurement.
During the negotiations to formalize the founding of Equestria, ponykind agreed to standardized conversions between their units. However, most local communities continue to trade in their traditional units, especially in places historically dominated by unicorns and earth ponies (pegasi mostly use metric or dimensionless ratios and other natural units for their weird flight calculations)
This is roughly equivalent to the Ampere (in also that the Ampere is also a "big" unit). It's a rough calculation of a unicorn's raw power, measured in percent of the magical strength of the princesses. To compensate for different unicorns having differing talents, it's measured in a battery of tests where the best three get averaged (so super-specialized unicorns get nerfed but somewhat generalist unicorns appear more powerful). Anything over 10 is considered impressive. Collections of unicorns do not scale linearly when measuring at a specific task (so a group of 20 11 power unicorns would still have a harder time raising the sun than Celestia), but an eclectic collection of unicorns can (on parchment) appear more powerful than the princess. Also somewhat used as a unit of brightness, luminosity, and temperature.
Probably base 12 (if they count with their teeth, more common with earth ponies and pegasi) or 9 (3 positions for each front hoof ^ 2 hooves, more popular with unicorns). (Thanks, /u/logarithmicon)
Those of you who have done mathematical calculations for world-building your stories, are my calculations reasonable? I'm assuming that the ponies are really more Falabella horse and less Shetland pony.
Did I forget any unit that may come up in daily use by a society of magical equines?
TL;DR : we (The SeaPony Orchestra) are organizing an orchestral concert at GalaCon this year and we need more instrumentists and singers (if you want to join us, go here: https://discord.gg/KJq22tS) or funds to pay for our overseas members plane ticket to GalaCon (You can help us here: https://ulule.com/seapony-orchestra/))
I'm part of the managing team of a project to create an orchestra of volunteers to play all the orchestral music from Brony music writers who would otherwise have their music are doomed to only be played by electronic instruments.
This year, we will have a concert at GalaCon. However, over our 35 members, only 10 would be able to come and play there by their own means. 7 more members would be glad to come, if only they had the funds to do so. So we created a crowdfunding project to raise the money needed. You can find it here: https://ulule.com/seapony-orchestra/. Every backer makes Octavia smile a bit more!
What we ultimately need is more members, so if you feel like playing or singing with us, we would gladly welcome you into our ranks too. If you want too, you can find us on our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/KJq22tS.
Before I first started watching the show, and was basing my idea of it entirely off of fan art, I thought Derpy Hooves was one of the main characters.
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!
But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
[It has ponies!](/spoiler)
Becomes: It has ponies!
And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread here!!!!!
In the most resent episode Discord dismisses Hearts and Hooves day as nothing more than a trick played on consumers to get them to buy things.
While this is a common (and somewhat bitter) opinion many have about Valentine's Day, it doesn't seem to be a popular opinion in Equestria, where even good friends will participate in such holidays.
I'm curious what other holidays you think Discord might dismiss as capitalist driven commercialism?
Do you think he'd dismiss Nightmare Night as a trick, not a treat, of the candy industry? Is Hearths Warming Eve nothing more than a lot of hot air? Is the running of the leaves a ploy of 'the man' to make chubby ponies exercise?
Or do you think it's just Hearts and Hooves day that has drawn his ire? And if so, why?
I'm helping out my friend by exercising her horses and taking care of them when I can. She's VERY Western in that the whole barn is covered in dust and she jumps on then bareback and goes about. But she doesn't ride consistently. And the horses havent been actually worked in who knows how long.
Thomas, the beautiful paint, is so barn sour I actually am angry when I finally get off him. We went down this tiny road next to the barn and immediate fixation on getting back. The other day we were about 20ft away from the other horses, in a paddock connected to the barn, and he wanted nothing more than to run back inside. So we rode out a little, attempting to get him to just walk in a straight line. And I took A LOT of time just getting him to stand there and be calm. Every time he tried to trot or throw his head or be an idiot, we did circles and then stood again. But I'm getting so incredibly frustrated I don't even know if it's worth it to continue to try with him since im only there a couple days a week.
Any advice would be great! I'm about ready to put my head through a wall with him!
Check out @Pauly777bey's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Pauly777bey/status/998940657862496256?s=09
As title says, I'm having a hard time connecting to a network of eventers in Madison. I went to a hunter barn yesterday and really was let down by the trainer and curriculum. If anyone knows of a barn that has eventers, dressage riders, general english, or of a person who is an eventer that needs their horse(s) ridden/exercised connect with me!
Hi r/Horses,
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