R+T by Knovan
Submitted May 08, 2018 at 09:19PM by NewWillinium
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/8i2u5m/rt_by_knovan/?utm_source=ifttt
Really excited and honored to have my painting on the cover and be featured in this months issue of Equestrian Life Magazine.
Title says it all really. I have a regular sized iPhone in a pretty minimal case so it's definitely not a big phone, but it's got to go somewhere!
I've thought about using a belt loop phone case. This is my favorite option since I prefer something minimal and out of the way. But I worry about falling on it or feeling in the way if I put it in the front.
I've seen people recommend these cases that go around the leg right below the knee like the Horse Holster but I worry about it making my leg feel cut off. Opinions on the horse holster?
In the past I would stick it in my half chaps, but long story short, I'll likely be leading trail rides in a western saddle so english breeches and half chaps might get me strange looks heh. (Would they? I'm primarily an english hunter jumper! And I haven't rode for a few years so knowledge is foggy.) Even if I go ahead and do wear my english attire, my phone has fell out of my half chaps before so I want an alternative.
I'm looking at western pleasure horses showing in bosals, and I'm curious about how the leading rein for the mecate goes for western pleasure. I see some are tied to the horn like normal, but some look like they aren't? Where do they go? And if they're different, how do you decide which to use?
For as long as I can remember, I have always had an affinity for animals, and it's been a dream to do horseback lessons for ages, but I just have worries about the safety of it. I want to do casual lessons, nothing strenuous like serious high jumps or anything, and I want to know how safe it is? I tried googling it, but I'm getting mixed messages. I'm just worried about my noggin getting hurt. I don't want to do any competitions, I just really would like to tap into that part of me through horseback lessons. Considering all of this, how dangerous is it? Can I get serious injuries like brain damage (nO STUPID QUESTIONS I READ IT ONLINE) Sorry if this is offensive, I just really wanted to know.
TL;DR: Can I get serious injuries(permanent damage) from doing casual horseback lessons that aren't strenuous at all? (No super high jumps, races, etc)
Again, sorry if this is offensive. Thanks :)