Chronic Diarrhea Mystery (x-post from r/Equestrian) A client of mine has a horse who has turned out to have a myriad of health problems. One of them is chronic diarrhea. When I say chronic, I mean this has been going off and on for over a year with no correlation to seemingly anything. Here's a ridiculous list of all the different lifestyles we've tried for this horse:
-Hay fed 3x daily, 1 flake alfalfa at night, 12% protein (Bluebonnet Intensify) 2x daily. Stool is loose, previous owner said she only gave one flake of alfalfa and senior grain which she found to be the best program for him.
-Switched to Senior Grain which helped for about 2.5 weeks
-We added a probiotic supplement (fast track) no changes were noted
-A tube with 11 different strains of probiotics was given at the appropriate weight dosage, no change
-He moved from his paddock to a stall due to a presumed soft tissue injury, diarrhea continues to appear and disappear
-During stall rest a magnesium supplement was introduced (magrestore) to help him stay calmer during his rest period. Diarrhea improved, only to return about 2.5 weeks later
-A stool sample was sent off for parasite testing, results were negative.
-Horse returns to turnout, diarrhea is still off and on. Mostly in the form of loose stool.
-Horse begins to have absolute liquid poops, gets gassy, and begins acting incredibly lethargic and uncomfortable. This ends with colic surgery due to two impactions in separate locations of the intestinal tract.
-Horse returns to the farm and is slowly transitioned to a diet of alfalfa 3x daily and senior grain....suddenly his poop is SO NORMAL
-1 month later we're back to liquid poop and naturally we're all freaking out. We're stumped, the vets are stumped, please help.
Submitted June 20, 2018 at 09:18AM by psychedeliciousAMi
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