Yona Plush
Submitted January 26, 2020 at 07:03PM by SecHop
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/euh1hv/yona_plush/?utm_source=ifttt
I was skeptical when the show first came out, much like everyone I was "ehh whatever it's a kids show" and I ignored it. Around halfway through season 2 I gave it a chance and fell in love almost immediately. I watched all the way till Twilight got her castle at the end of season 4 then I kinda just fell out of it. About a month ago now, a commission piece of starlight and trixie showed up on my twitter feed and I recognized trixie but had no clue who the other pony was.
I looked up where the show was thinking maybe around season 6 or 7 or so, having lost track of time from when I stopped watching. I was astonished to see not only 9 seasons and a friggin MOVIE but it was OVER, I don't really know why I cared but I felt sad that it was over. I sort of felt inclined to go back and finish it. So I picked up where I left off, rewatched the last two episodes of season 4, realized I really didnt remember any of it and just restarted. With it being so long and so much happening since I watched I didnt recognize most of it and it all felt new again.
I was so happy I got to basically relive this show I fell in love with so long ago. Around Discords reformation episode with fluttershy it ALL came rushing back and I remembered everything. And I remembered every episode after that.
Start season 5, and oh look theres that purple pony from the commission piece, oh she's not nice.
Part of me is, oh they must meet, another part of me is like the fandom always just paired ponies and it made for great fanart (my fav part of the fandom) Season 6 rolls around. Oh they meet.
Oh I love them.
I'm getting off track. I fell back into the show, and I fell HARD. I race all the way to end and I'm loving all of it and that last episode, oh it touched my heart. Plus it was good to see that best pony became ruler of Equestria.
TL;DR: I have bad grammar and I stopped caring for the show until recently I didnt. Tagged spoiler for those who haven't seen
So much copying and pasting. My ctl-c and ctl-v hand has seized up.
Anyway, I hope everything is correct. Voting will last for one week until February 2nd. Winners will be announced in a new thread.
There are comments below for each category, and then comments below those with each nomination! Simply upvote all the nominations you think deserve to win the spot!
This thread is locked, because it's just for voting! If you'd like to communicate something, message the mods! We'll respond to every question or query and act as quickly as we can to correct any mistake we might have made!
Vote as many or as few times as you want! As long as they're all upvotes. Don't downvote nominations you don't like. This ain't the time or the place.
Whatever you upvote, try to look at the other stuff in the category, too! Try not to just upvote the things you know about and move on. Take some time and check everything out! You have a whole week!
Unfortunately, we missed the handout of whatever Gold or new reddit prize is being given out for these sorts of things. Victory in this contest is merely a spiritual victory, rather than a material one.
Feel free to go back to the nomination thread to see the reasons people gave for their nominations! I'm leaving those out of this thread to keep it as unbiased in presentation as possible.
Get voting! (we don't have 'I voted' badges to give out but you will get bragging rights)