This exists.
Submitted September 12, 2018 at 09:46PM by devjk2004
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/9fep42/this_exists/?utm_source=ifttt
This is mainly a rant but lowkey if you can help, please do. I subscribed for the WEG pass which gives me access to live events, replays etc. but omg I've had it for two days and I want to punch my laptop screen. I'm in Australia so most events go late into the night/early hours of the morning, so I tried to watch the rest of the event and apparently I need a subscription to access it. ??????????? Also, where's the Endurance gone from the site? AND WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GODDAMN TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES?????????? I JUST WANT TO WATCH SOME HORSEYS
We (mostly) retired my 20 y.o. Oldenburg about a year ago. This past May we moved him to a larger paddock at the same facility he's been at since his retirement, and he developed some sort of skin issue that the vet thinks is an allergy. At some point someone who had this paddock previously must have put down ground up asphalt because he gets covered in this strange, black dust that's hard to get off (AND stains my clothes with gray smudges). My vet thinks that tarry dust is likely the cause of his reaction, and we've been giving him hydroxyzine to try to manage it. I'm working on getting the facility to scrape out all of the footing, but in the meantime, I've been hoping someone might have a recommendation of other supplements, etc. that I could give him. The hydroxyzine helps, but it doesn't clear it up 100%.
For more context... I bathe him about once a week with Micro Tek shampoo to soothe him and clear out the (asphalt?) dust that builds up on his skin. I have tried the Micro Tek topical gel, but it made his skin chap around his sheath (where he gets the itchiest) and bleed a little. I do use the Micro Tek spray from time to time, but I just go through it too quickly and don't see a major impact enough to justify the expense. I've also tried the MTG oil, but we found out he's allergic to the sulphur product in that, so his skin just got worse.
He ALSO has a cough, which is noticeable but not debilitating when I get him out for a light hack, and I suspect that could be a similar allergic thing going on.
Anyone have any bright ideas? :)
My 18 yo appy gelding is super laid back and the middle of the three horse "herd" I have. We just added the third horse about 3 months ago, and she seems to fit in just fine. She is the lowest member of the bunch, and seems fine with that position... She doesn't seem to test the others to move up. She gets along great with the appy, they often graze side by side, perform mutual grooming on each other, and will even share a pile of hay in the paddock.
When under saddle, however, the appy becomes a kicker. We cannot ride him anywhere near our new girl, or he kicks out at her. He can ride relatively close to our leader of the pack pony gelding (but we don't get too close) and seems OK with him except if we let them sniff noses... Then he will nip at the little guy. Both of these ornery behaviors towards the other horses is ONLY under saddle. He is not disrespectful to his rider, and has no issues under saddle in any other way, so I don't feel like there is any medical or discomfort issue to be addressed.
Any insight as to why he is such a pill to the others (especially the new mare) when ridden vs. When just turned out in the pasture?
I wrapped his leg for 2 months following the injury. Vet is saying to work my horse to make sure the tendon flexes and stretches and scar tissue doesn't make it too tight. I'm scared he'll never be usable again as a good riding horse.