First fall and confidence lost I guess I'm looking for advice or help or just kind words...
I have been having one private lesson and one group lesson a week. In my private lessons we have been working on no stirrup work. It's bloody hard and I've been feeling like I just can't "get it". In my last group lesson, I was cantering, lost both stirrups and in the process of trying to get them back, I fell and hit the deck HARD.
My last two group lessons I have been on a very forward little horse. I struggle to sit back on her and feel like I'm just constantly trying to hold her back. I can't relax and slow my seat because I'm a bit anxious maybe too.
Anyway, I guess now I'm just worried that I'll never get any better or be able to ride on my own if I ever get a horse.
Would love to hear stories, fails, triumphs. I guess anything that will help me feel better.
Submitted May 26, 2018 at 05:43AM by Marriedtosleep
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