Memes, Shitposts, and Content on /r/mylittlepony So this is a topic that the mods have been talking about internally for several weeks, and it is about time we raised the issue more generally with the userbase of the sub. This post should be seen purely as a discussion thread, so please share your thoughts below.
The topic in question is the recent, substantial uptick in the number of extremely low-effort memes and shitposts that are being submitted to the subreddit. Not only is their quantity higher than normal, but they often tend to become some of the most highly upvoted submissions on the /hot/ page. Just looking at the top posts from the past week, around 20% of them are just memes and similarly low effort posts. I am not counting new episode gifs/screencaps in that figure.
The question is, are the rest of you okay with this recent trend in the subreddit? As was pointed out in the last meta thread, we often see a rise in low effort content during the hiatus, but we are now back into the on-season and it still seems like the dominating type of content in the sub.
Drop all thoughts and feelings either way in this thread.
Submitted April 12, 2019 at 12:21PM by Lankygit
via reddit