Season 1: Episode 1, "Conquest"
Twilight is now present in her library, sorting out books and preparing to move out to Princess Celestia's castle. While Twilight is looking under the beds for any misplaced items, she finds something that Spike has been keeping secret for a long time...
Twilight, somewhat surprised: Spike, are these yours? You really seem to like Rarity! Maybe I should tell her...
Spike, rushing up the stairs: NO! Stop, those are mi- I mean, someone put it there to humiliate me!
Twilight, smirking and giggling: I didn't know that you played with dolls, Spike. How about Rarity makes new ones for you? You've put holes in thes-
Twilight blushes, then throws up.
Spike: Fine, I-I admit it; s-sometimes j-jack off with these dolls and... you know...
Twilight after throwing up again: SPIKE YOU SICK FU-
Then, she is stopped when she hears a loud noise outside. She then looks outside of her window, and sure enough, there was something large in the sky; it was a Proximarian fleet of spacecraft, ready to enter the Equestrian atmosphere...
Twilight, yelling: SspiiIIIKE! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!
Spike, surprised: Twilight, what's going on?
Twilight takes Spike outside...
Twilight, pointing to the spacecraft fleet: That.
Spike heads inside to grab his box of dolls.
Once back, Twilight bucks the box out of Spike's hands, but Spike keeps an entire sketchbook in which includes fantasies about him and Rarity. Twilight isn't cognizant about the contents of the sketchbook because she flies with Spike to the home of her sister-in-law, Princess Cadance. When Twilight arrives, Princess Cadance is already at her balcony, looking into the sky at the alien fleet.
Twilight: Cadance! There's a-
Cadance, in a frightened tone while holding Flurry Heart: Yeah, I know...
Twilight to Spike: We have to warn the others.
Cadance: Wait for me!
They all fly to a hall in which Princesses Luna and Celestia are having a conversation about what is going on. Twilight wanted to warn them, but they appear to already know about the situation. Both princesses are trying to sort this out, while Prince Shining Armor interjects with two elite soldiers beside him...
Shining Armor, sounding relieved, but using a worried tone before he stops galloping to Cadance: CADANCE!
Cadance: Babe!
Shining Armor kisses Cadance on the lips briefly, as she kisses back...
Shining Armor: Where the hell were you?
Cadance: I was just about to go looking for you, but we needed to warn the others about the situation because you said you were practicing drills with your recruits you mentioned last night. Also, our baby still can't feed herself yet.
Shining Armor: Alright, but what matters is that you two are alright.
Shining Armor and Cadence both hug with Flurry Heart...
Cadence: Do you know what's going on, though?
Shining Armor: Absolutely not, I'm honestly very confused and I think I'm hallucinating.
Princess Luna: You shouldn't be doing either of those things right now; even Berry Punch knows when she's hallucinating and her BAC is around 50-frickin-%.
Princess Celestia: We also have no clue as to what these things intend on doing, but whatever it is, we need to find a diplomatic solution because if a war is invoked, it is plausible that they may be too powerful for us to fight off.
Twilight: What about the Elements of H-
Twilight was soon cut off by a peculiar sound. When she and Princess Celestia went to look outside, they saw some of the alien battleships begin to light up. Little did the Native Equestrians know that the aliens were firing up their cannons.
(This post will be updated when the script is updated)
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