Marshmallow by LooknamTCN
Submitted December 08, 2018 at 08:34PM by Seltonik
via reddit
I've been volunteering at a place lately, where there's a mini-donkey named Lucy. My first few experiences with Lucy, she's always been very calm and very quiet, and rather affectionate. However, the last time I was there, I walked up to greet her and she just went a bit crazy. She ran over to me making some kind of noise, and began to firmly lean on me and try to bite me. I pulled away, she followed...eventually, she was biting the back of my jacket and I had to drag her up to the house. Managed to give her a carrot, then left for my car to go to lunch.
She walks AROUND the house looking for me, runs over to me, and repeat with the leaning on/noise/trying to bite. She attempts to get INTO THE CAR with me...and by some miracle I managed to nudge her clear of the door so I could close it. Left for lunch, came back...and repeat. Again, she eventually took hold of my jacket, I played 'tug-of-war' with her a bit in hopes it would satisfy her energy...yet, any time I moved my hand close to her, she swung her head up as if she were trying to bite it. And her ears, of course, are going all over the place from forwards and back. The owner thinks she's being really playful and showing affection...but...I'm skeptical. Does anyone know if this is donkey/mule for 'I love you' or 'I hate you'?
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