Stupid idea or something that might work? (aka: what is a stall worth?) I was browsing some real estate listings and found a house that has a size/style I like. It also happens to have a barn with 10 modern (looks like to me in the photos, but what do I know?) stalls and an indoor/outdoor riding area - it looks like it is somebody's private horse property.
I don't own any horses - I like them, they've just never been part of my life. I know people will board horses where the people at the facility do feeding and grooming and whatnot and the horse owners come by from time to time, but does anybody rent out a stall on somebody else's property but come by every day to take care of their own animals? If they do, what is the range of rent that would be paid for such an arrangement? Would anybody be willing to include riding lessons for the owners of the property as part of the rent?
Or is this just too crazy of an idea that would never work in the real world?
Submitted May 15, 2018 at 04:09PM by networkedquokka
via reddit