Those who came to horses late in life and those who returned after a long break, how did your family react? So, I first sat on a horse (apparently) when I was 11months old. They were a huge part of my life growing up until I went to Uni at 19yrs and put my horse on loan. He is now retired and with a family who will love him forever and will never sell him or move him on. I have since emigrated to another country. I keep in regular contact with them to see how he is.
I met the love of my life when I was 23yrs, in the country that is now my home, I was here for school. No horses in my life at that time, I did volunteer at a rescue place for a few months during the summer, but since then its really been hit and miss with horses and the opportunity to ride. So it hasn't been a big part of my life since I was 19.
I MISS IT EVERY SINGLE DAY. I've tried lessons and riding other peoples horses, but it isn't the same. And lessons are literally 30mins of nothing useful because I live in a city with terrible facilities that deals mostly with kids and the attitude of if you're over 20 you either have your own horse or are out of the game.
Hubs does not like horses. I've tried equating how it feels to not be able to do something I love with the "what if you couldn't play your guitar any more"... Or go cycling... But he has never known horsey me, so he can't really compute it. He understands I miss it. But he sees horses as a waste of resources.
We also do literally everything together, which I absolutely love! He is my favourite person in this world if I were to see no one else but him from now until forever, I'd be fine with that.
So having a horse would take me away from him a fair bit, which would be an adjustment for both of us. But again, I really miss it. I'm thinking of leasing this summer to see how it goes.
But I was wondering, how did your SO's and family deal when you either went back to horses or started the hobby later in life? Do you have your own horse? Do you feel guilty at all about how much it takes you away? Or about how much money you spend on the hobby?
We are CF so it is just us two and our puppy.
Anyway, I'd love to hear how it went.
TLDR - How did your family deal when you started up with horses either late in life or after a long break?
Submitted February 22, 2020 at 09:06AM by Dreamsong_Druid
via reddit