[Adopt a Sub Week] Tatzldash by CaptainPudgeMuffin (X-Post from /r/Tatzljack)
Submitted March 10, 2017 at 03:22PM by Sparroew
via reddit http://ift.tt/2mSgHBa
Kik recently added a public chat feature, and I noticed a lot of subreddits have their own room, so I thought I'd make one for all of us.
The chat is #rhorses
To join, go to the main Kik screen and press the plus button, and then tap "Public Groups", and then type rhorses in the search box that comes up. The title is Horse Chat.
If you have problems, make sure your Kik app is up to date. If you don't have Kik, I highly recommend it. Good way to communicate with friends.
http://ift.tt/2mcS0LJ here's a link to the Kik code, if you happen to see this post on your desktop/laptop and want to scan it on your phone.
Has anyone gone on an equitour (or similar) vacation? The kind where you fly somewhere 'exotic' (like Ireland or Italy) and ride horses from pub to pub or vineyard to vineyard for a week. (what a dream, right?!)
A little context: I'm just getting back into riding (hunters) after a long life break, and it's a Big Birthday year that I want to celebrate with a trip. A few friends, mostly non-riders but willing to try, recently heard about those vacations ... so now I'm obsessively day dreaming about ponies in foreign lands...
Have you ever done one? Opinions? Pros or cons? Are they a total waste of $$$ (most I've seen are fairly expensive). Recommendations?
(This is my first post and I hope this is following rules. Happy to move the question elsewhere if not)
Hi all!
I was interested if anyone might know of any other major horse shows/events that are happening in Ohio this year? When I say big, I mean things like the Equine Affaire or the Quarter Horse Congress.
Thank you!
a) What area stables are horses from for the Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade?... b) What stables are within City of Boston? http://ift.tt/2mIROY2
My horse had his feet done about 1.5 weeks ago. I thought they looked a little short but I'm not a farrier.
However, the first two rides, he was constantly tripping and limping under saddle, so we cut it very short. I could see no favoring of any particular foot when loose in his pen. Not finding any heat or other symptoms. Monday and today, he was fine at all gaits in the soft dirt arena but again started limping on the driveway (those big decorative half dollar sized round rocks) and hard dirt with tiny gravel. He was ok on the short stretch of asphalt, a bit cautious with his steps, but no limping.
The limping and tripping is so intermittent that the barn owner suspected he was faking (which would not surprise me, he's a brat) but I am concerned. Is this likely from the trim? Should I be putting boots on him? Any other suggestions?