How would the Apple family react if it turned out that Bright Mac and Pear Butter's death turned out to be murder? We don't have a "canon" death for Bright Mac and Pear Butter, so I'm going to mix up the two most common theories.
Scenario: According to official reports, Pear Butter was killed by a timberwolf while delivering food to a neighboring community.
A month or so later, Bright Mac got sick with an advanced strain of the flu and died.
Fast forward to the present day. The Ponyville coroner is old and dying, and he makes a deathbed confession. He had been paid off to falsify the reports. Pear Butter had been murdered, and so had Bright Mac. He dies before giving any more information.
The bodies are exhumed, and it turns out that Pear Butter's injuries were caused by a weapon rather than a timberwolf's claws, and Bright Mac had been poisoned.
The case, closed for years, is now re-opened.
How does the Apple family react to this news? Do they help with the investigation?
How do the Mane 7 and the rest of Ponyville react to the news? Do Applejack's friends attempt to help the investigation, or are they content to let law enforcement handle it and stick to emotionally supporting the Apples?
(The killer is unimportant, since this is mostly about the reaction to the event itself, but let's say that it turns to have been Filthy Rich, who killed Pear Butter when she spurned his advances and then killed Bright Mac when he started putting together what happened to her)
Submitted February 22, 2018 at 09:46AM by Tyranid457
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