Flurry Heart by Jack-Pie
Submitted June 12, 2018 at 08:24PM by Sparroew
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/8qouwk/flurry_heart_by_jackpie/?utm_source=ifttt
Hello all! My instructor is hosting a kids summer camp next week and at the end of her camps she always has a final show where the kids get to compete in foundation eq/green rider, and she has asked me if I'd be interested in judging for it! Of course I'd love to and I think I know what to look for in the kids eq just based off of how I've been judged in shows, but I'd like to know if there's some really important key things (and also little things) that I should be looking for if I'm judging. All help is appreciated, thanks!
Hi everyone!I tried to get permission for this post, but never heard back. If its against the rules in anyway, I absolutely understand.
I'm completing my Masters degree! My thesis is on Equine Market Trends and Horse Owner Buying Habits! I need to survey horse owners specifically, and I thought this subreddit would be a good place to do so. The survey is only 10 questions, completely anonymous, and will be used 100% for research only. If any of you wouldn't mind taking the survey, I would be extremely grateful! Thank you in advance :)!