Pretty different
Submitted November 19, 2018 at 10:23PM by BigHoleMan
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/9yp2rx/pretty_different/?utm_source=ifttt
We hope that this post comes to bring some clarity over some recent changes, as well as apologise to some people who have been affected by this over the last couple of weeks.
We recently started implementing some moderation changes around proper sourcing when submitting art. It has always been in the subreddiquette that people should try to use the primary source (Tumblr, Deviantart, etc.) when submitting posts to the subreddit. At times, people would rehost images before submitting them, or use a secondary source in place of the original.
After speaking to people about this in the meta thread, we eventually decided to try a stricter approach to sourcing and to start removing posts that are not sourced correctly. This was not made abundantly clear outside of the meta threads and has generated some understandable confusion when people have had their posts removed.
It can be hard to work with original sources like Tumblr and dA, since they are not the most user-friendly of websites and especially do not work well with RES.
After some time trying it out and finding out what does/doesn't work, we've settled on this as a new policy as part of Rule 1.
Primary sources should be used unless the primary source breaks one of our other rules (mostly Rule 2).
Derpibooru is discouraged as a source, but is not outright banned. We will not remove derpi links that contain a valid source, but we do ask people not to rely on derpi more than places such as Deviantart and Tumblr. The click-through rate is still very low compared to linking the original sources.
i.redd.it and imgur are not allowed to be used for art unless you are posting something you made yourself or something that does not have an alternate source. We will remove these posts and ask you to repost with the primary source if it is available.
This does mean we have to apologise to some people who have recently had their derpi links removed while we were testing out this new policy. It has become unrealistic to try and ban derpi outright, and we do consider it to be established enough between artists and users that it can continue to be used to share artwork.
We will leave a note in Rule 1 highlighting this new change.
Hope that helps clear things up.
I am looking for some recommendations on your favorite (or least favorite) clippers. I need a reliable pair of clippers to full body clip my horse once or twice a year. Any insight or recommendations would be appreciated! Thanks!
Newish horse owner here, just wondering if anyone has had this problem before. I have a 4 yr old appendix, who up to this point has almost always been an angel since I've had him. Especially for a 4 yr old hes been completely safe, never bucked, and on the lazier side. Around end of September he started acting different under saddle. As soon as I would but leg on to trot he would stop, put his ears back, and kick out or buck. We had the chiro out who adjusted his back. Also had his saddle fitted. She believes he injured his stifle, probably in the field (he is still the newbie and lowest of the herd and they aren't always nice to him) he had 4 weeks off of riding, with only hand walking. After that he seemed to have improved, but now it's back to the stopping, kicking out and bucking. He moves perfectly while lunging, even when I'm riding and someone else is lunging. But as soon as I ask him on my own he does the same thing. Even if i just cluck, and say "trot" and dont put any leg on at all, he does the same thing. Is this just a 4 yr old behavior thing? He has gotten lazy and learned it's easier to kick out and buck? Or is there something else going on. Last week we did have a good ride where he was actually moving forward, but lately it's been more of the attitude and stopping. Haven't had the vet out yet, were told its gonna be a few weeks before she can come.
I want to get him something he can use for a really long term period of time. I don't want it to be anything like a plushie that he just puts on a shelf and that's that. I want it to be something that he'll use on a daily basis. He's also a big gamer. I was thinking like a my little pony mouse or keyboard? Idk. He never misses a brony con, he spends 400-600$ on my little pony items alone and has a ton of merchandise which is what makes this a lot harder. I need some unique and useful. Thanks <3