Experimenting with some basic 3D
Submitted September 24, 2018 at 02:42PM by rebane2001
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/9ilnfg/experimenting_with_some_basic_3d/?utm_source=ifttt
Hi! Looking for barn suggestions in northern NJ. Prefer lots of pasture/turn out. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Well, more like pulling his head and the reins. My ottb gelding has ahd his teeth floated and checked, but if there is ANY contact on the reins, he throws his head around and pulls the reins. Does anyone know how to fix this?
vent, sorry it's long. So I got my horse about 10 months ago, the horse I bought was supposed to be a calm, bombproof, patient, experienced horse. He is none of those. When I first got him he was so pushy that i considered it a success to just walk 6 feet from the stall to the cross ties without a stud chain. Long story short I worked with him a lot and he became very respectful to me, although he would still drag the barn manager down the hallway. He was still testy so once every few days I would just have to make him back up and yield and he would be fine again. That's not the problem. What is, is today I took my 90 year old grandma to meet him (she's never pet a horse before this) and he has completely humiliated me, now I'm not blaming him, never blame the horse but I'm seriously frustrated. I led him in and the moment I put him in the cross-ties he freaked out, normally he stands like a statue. He literally knelt down and then almost broke the cross-ties and pawed so hard that there is scartches on the cement floor. I took him to the arena to let him get his freaks out. He is very herd bound, also not something I as expecting,and he can get wild at times. Normally he bucks then comes to the door and stands with me today he was staying in front of me a lot and throwing his head and pointing his butt to me an overall getting in my space. My grandma was there so I didn't want to yell at him or do to much, anyway he calmed down (as much as he can, he has literally spooked at the ground). All was fine. He was still to wild to put in the cross-ties so I just turned him back out. I was waiting in the field with him for my grandma to be done exploring and the cat, Ducky, came out, now my horse is very curious so he went to check out Ducky. My horse was getting too pushy so Ducky walked away, my horse followed, then Ducky ran away, my horse followed, long story short my horses ended up chasing the cat around the field and through the gate. Ducky came back and my horse did it again, nearly taking out the shelter. I guess in my horses mind he won and he became very cocky, he started rearing and bucking. I'm okay with horses rearing,bucking and bolting around me when their playing as long as they stay respectful of my space. My horse started getting a bit to close and was throwing his head and bucking, I threw my hands up to get him go back off but this pissed him off. He reared and charged me, ears pinned, I ducked behind the shelter in time and ended up calming him down and speed walking back go the barn, meanwhile him pinning his ears and pushing me around. i obviously didn't leave, you can't let a horse disrespect you like that. I grabbed my lead with a chain and a dressage whip. Lets just say he had a welt or two by the time I was done with him.(Not out of anger, I would never hit, whip, yell ect. at a horse out of anger, that's cruel and inhumane) by the time I was done he was respectful and calm, licking and chewing and keeping his head low, all while following me around like a puppy. I solved the problem but now my grandma thinks I abuse my horse. I hate my horse, he's not the horse I bought, now training can only do so much. He has lots of problem under saddle to, but I'm not getting into that. The horse I bought was calm. He is not, no matter how well trained he is, he naturally gets worked up and spooky. Also, he previous owners visited us a few weeks ago and revealed to me that he has a "pony brain" and you always have to have a plan with him and keep him in line and be very firm. They failed to share this information with me when I bought him... Although good news is my barn will be done in November so I can bring him home and only I will handle him, to make sure he is not getting away with anything, which is a shame as I was hoping when I bought him that my non-equestrian parents would be able to ride him. Sorry this is really long, I just needed to rant.
The poor animal sits in a pen and hardly moves all day. Just wasting away. It's great if you can find a pasture board situation but I live in the west and grass just doesn't grow enough for most barns to be able to offer that.
I seriously could never afford to just keep a horse at a boarding stable and throw hundreds of dollars away every month for the fucking thing to just sit there. I have two and I go to exercise and train them every day. Do people just not care or not see it as an investment? The horse isn't getting any younger. While you're throwing your money away, at least pay a damn trainer to take it out three days a week or something. Hell if you're never gonna go see the horse anyway, move the horse to where the trainer is because what does it matter? Could sell the horse for you in a few months. Or just give the horse away to a good home? Sure, you wouldn't make anything from a sale but at least you wouldn't be losing money on board every month. I just don't understand people.