Introducing: Post Flairs! Hey everyone! It's time for a quick Quality-of-Life improvement for the subreddit, introducing Post Flairs! You now have the ability to sort based on post! This was a requested feature for a while and thanks to Reddit finally allowing flairs on both New and Old Reddit, we can implement them across the board! You can now see them in the sidebar and attached to posts. Here's how it works:
How to Flair
On Old or New Reddit, go to the submission area. Scroll down and select the "Flair" option. Choose the flair that best fits your post and hit apply.
Post Flair Descriptions
Announcement - A moderator exclusive tag used for posts such as this. Official episode discussions, subreddit-wide events, rule updates, and other threads important enough to be stickied. Be on the lookout for these!
Meta Thread - Another mod exclusive flair, but self-explanatory. This flair highlights and sorts out all the weekly meta-threads for your convenience.
Artwork - This is a general tag for artwork and will likely be used the most. If an image can be sourced to an artist, it belongs here.
Discussion - For text-based submissions focused on discussing My Little Pony in general. Analysis, questions, fanfiction, prompts, etc.
Official Media - Screencaps, clips, gifs, comics panels, official shorts, and official press releases from Hasbro themselves all fall under here.
Memes - Memes are memes. A post that follows what's traditionally considered a meme goes here. Think impact text over an image macro or common formats.
Video - For all sorts of YouTube/etc videos.
Music - Deserves a tag because of how large the MLP music scene is. Soundcloud pages, Spotify links, and submissions that are in video format (Ex: YouTube) but the main focus is the song itself all go here.
Misc. - For when we cannot accurately box a submission into any other category. It's fluff. Filter. It's something. It still must pass Rule 3 however.
Community News - Select this to find community news. Brony related news from Equestria Daily would fall here. An upcoming fan convention or charity event would fall under here. An AMA hosted elsewhere would fall under here. A fan-project would fall under here. It's the greater MLP community flair.
Because we maintain a very general sub, it follows that not all of our users like seeing the same type of content. Flaring posts allow users who wish not to see certain types of content to easily filter them out. So we expect you to flair all of your posts from this day forward. It's okay if you accidentally use the wrong flair from time to time, but just like our sourcing policy, if you repeatedly ignore warnings telling you to flair correctly we will delete your post until you do.
You may also use the Original Content (OC) button on any post you created regardless of flair category.
Hopefully these post flairs make navigating the subreddit easier. If you have any questions, would like to suggest additional flairs not yet considered, or need to see an example of a post you're on the fence about, feel free to ask!
Submitted April 03, 2020 at 02:08PM by Pinkie_Pie
via reddit