How did you choose your horse ? What race of horse to choose for my first horse ? Firstly, please excuse my English. If anything that I write confuse you, please tell me and I will try more to say it in a more understood way.
For more than one year I have taken horse lessons, in my lessons I ride their horse, but I think that this time is for me to have my own. For what I want to do with horses, it is mostly country riding and not racing or tricks. I want to be able to ride a horse in different places in nature like mountains, and later in time to try shooting with a bow (tiro con l'arco) and hunting with a prey bird (falconeria) on a horse. I do not want a horse with a mad temper and also not too big for me or too slow, like the horses that my trainer has. If I ask my trainer he will try to sell me his horses, and I do not want it so I want to ask others. This is one of the places that I will try for opinion and advice. How did you choose the race of horse that you have ? Which is a good one for me ? I am from ITALY.
Submitted April 08, 2018 at 05:18AM by Gabriele_dAnnunzio
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