This is the first horse I've ever trained, and I'm so proud of both of us.
Submitted June 04, 2017 at 12:11AM by Puddock
via reddit
Hi horse pals,
Desperately needing help figuring out how to properly feed and nutrition 4 horses that were "rescued" by a lady we are buying property from, she is leaving them there and are included in the sale.
One is all but foundered, another has a chip so deep in its front hoof I know he will be unrideable for quite some time. Can't figure out how to post pics via mobile but will try later from PC.
All have healthy weight, but the gray mare is so swollen I suspect she's full of worms. Praying she's not pregnant haha. The lady confessed the farrier has not been out "in a while" so due to the condition of their hooves, I am guessing she is not worming either.
She told me they only eat pasture/forage from the property, no hay and no grain.
How can I safely get these horses onto a better diet?? I assume a lot of hoof problems are also due to nutrition and not being trimmed. All are barefoot. We take over the property in a few weeks time and I'm already searching for a farrier with experience in rehabbing terrible terrible feet.
I know we must be very careful about introducing things to their diet so they don't colic. How do I go about this, does anyone have experience in this? is this a lost cause better left to a professional? Please be brutally honest with me!!! My partner and I have already discussed and will be parting with at least 2, gray mare is one of them (14 years old, pinned the lady upon saddle breaking adventures). The paints feet are so bad they are one step away from curling up. I know that will take months of skilled farrier work and not sure we are up to the task, and wondering if rehoming or sending to an actual rescue is the better option.
And if anyone in NSW has a bomb ass farrier they can recommend, please please PM me.
Thank you all!!!
Have you ever known someone who constantly changes barns because the person running the barn was "crazy"? I have a friend who has boarded her horse at probably 5 different barns in 3 years, each time saying that the BM before was crazy and she couldn't be there anymore. In my mind it was just a string of bad luck until I went to look at a place today to board my horse where she had previously boarded. I have several acquaintances who board there currently and have had no issues as far as I know. This friend left the barn citing that the owner was "crazy" and bringing in unsafe horses constantly. I've been around horses my entire life, sometimes unsafe horses come into the barn, it just happens. How they are dealt with is what really matters. Is my friend the crazy one? I'm beginning to think so...
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This is the official place to discuss S7E09: "Honest Apple"! Any serious discussion related to the episode goes in here. 'Low effort' comments may be removed! Have fun!
To all of you horse lovers and caregivers,
Thank you so much for taking care of such a beautiful and kind animal that is often terribly overused and abused
From a person who has seen a horse maybe twice in their life