Question about horse body language / affection First time poster here !
I am a 25(F) who has recently been taking riding lessons, still trying to figure out the horses body language.
I have been working with an older draft cross breed horse who is like a big baby. He's well behaved and very calm. He's been awesome for me to learn how to trot / post and canter. So we've been working on our canter the last few weeks, and after doing a few circles around the ring going back and forth from canter to trotting , he ended up kicking out at the end of our lesson. I was fine. Didn't fall off or anything. After the lesson it was a nice day so I took him on a walk down to the bottom of the driveway and back.
But here's where I have a question the end of the lesson I dismounted and he gentle lowered his head and put his head right on one of my shin's and just left it resting on me for a solid 10-15 seconds. I was so surprised because I knew he was probably frustrated with me but I was wondering ... what does this mean? Was he being affectionate ? Was that his way of saying he was sorry for kicking out ? He's the sweetest boy ever, so well behaved. If it was affection that would be the first time he's ever tried to do that to me before since I've only been riding him for about two months now.
Any input is appreciated. Hope I explained this well enough !
Submitted April 13, 2018 at 05:29AM by rayoflight123
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