Map of Equestria Updated for the Movie
Submitted August 03, 2017 at 10:22PM by Torvusil
via reddit
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
What do you think of this? Are you excited?
Here's a bit of a different thought experiment to help with your characterization and world-building: imagine alternate leitmotifs (musical themes) for various ponies and places in Equestria.
The example I am going to use is based off Stanley Kubrick and the soundtrack for 2001: A Space Odyssey. In that example, Kubrick liked the temp music better than the actual soundtrack that was commissioned, so he used the now-familiar classical pieces as the official soundtrack instead of Alex North's music. Without further introduction, my I present my classical music thematic replacements.
This is one always-fresh piece of music for one stylish mare. If nothing else, it is excellent background music for her shops for her customers to project their thoughts onto the clothes they try on.
Thanks to /u/_kwulhu_ for suggesting this to me in IRC. Start around 10½ minutes in for the best effect. My alternate pick was Joie du Sang des Étoiles from Messiaen's Turangalîla-Symphonie.
If you imagine this being played slightly slower than in the recording I linked and on a less bright piano, this would highlight Twilight's mind and methodical planning.
Something fast and happy and its IRL counterpart involves giant birds.
A nice and gentle intro for a quiet and gentle mare.
Some picks are stereotypically obvious. You could probably also use other Copland works for other members of the Apple Family or their family theme song. It will be left as an exercise to the reader to decide how to match them up.
This bold and overdramtic theme suits both halves of the night. Playing with instrumental balance and tempo can change the mood to fit Luna wherever she is in her story, but always retains its larger-than-life grandiosity that is integral to both Her Royal Highness Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon.
The unsteady nature of this movement from the Bartók's Concerto for Orchestra nicely encapsulates the chaotic and incessantly pun-filled mind of Discord. This jazz version would be a good option for any montages that feature him.
Only charred remains are left in his path.
The intro to Lutosławski's Concerto for Orchestra creates suspense for Trixie's stage show. The middle of the movement contains several moments that make for good villain music. There are also some more tender spots in the music to express Trixie's attempts at redemption and integration into normal pony society.
It's the best-known part of Diamond Music and, importantly, Sombra and Karl Jenkins both have reputations for being hugely overhyped.
Better known as that Requiem for a Dream song, it's a fitting tribute to the struggles and largely self-inflicted villainy of Starlight.
The smoothly-gliding tuplets flow like the serene and kindly countenance of Celestia's mane. Prior to the Nightmare Moon incident, this theme was used interchangeably for both princesses as well as for the pair of them due to their similarly-magical manes. After Celestia had been the sole ruler of Equestria and Nightmare Moon faded into an old mare's tale, this theme became primarily identified with Celestia.
Her music being so similar to the Everfree music is by design. Her sleepy time music is also from the same work.
His solo epiodes all end up about successful as Mickey was in Fantasia.
Sorry for choosing such an obvious selection.
This is a nice invocation of a dark forest. Note that it's from the same work as Zecora's music. If it were a peaceful night, movement 6 would also work.
Whoever has ears ought to hear.
Another perpetually-mobile selection for a busy Pegasus city. In contrast to the urgency of the leitmotif for Manehattan, this one flows naturally to contrast the gridlock of Earth Ponies and Unicorns with the freedom of the Pegasus.
The relentless movement is singularly appropriate for a city that never sleeps and everypony always has someplace they should have been at five minutes ago.
A pastoral and happy theme to a place that inexplicably attracts adventure.
Since the Crystal Empire is a semi-autonomous subsidiary of Equestria, I decided to dedicate a whole symphony to it. The first movement would be the fanfare for the Crystal Castle, the slow movement as music for the Crystal ponies when without the power of the Crystal Heart, the 3rd movement would make good music for Flurry Heart, and the finale could be the Heart's theme.
A very stately theme for a stately society.
Music that signifies a journey coming to its exciting conclusion. A visit to Canterlot Castle is a dream for most ponies outside Canterlot itself, and the section starting around 2:55 in the video I linked is quite possibly the best way to describe the feeling of ponies visiting the Castle (imagine human fillies going to Disney Castle for an IRL analogue).
Wide-open sound for this town on the open frontier of Equestrian society (and the Copland music accentuates that this is another stronghold of the Apple Family).
Here are some questions for you to think about, in case you don't already have something you want to say:
P.S. Sorry that the last post was a month ago: looking up all these videos and ponymotes took far longer than expected, especially on severely underpowered hardware that likes to freeze from having too many tabs open.
This has always puzzled me since the Cutie Map started to appear in Season 5. Spike gets his own seat in the Friendship Castle but no indication if he's needed in Equestria?
So, because it's No-Pics Thursday (August 3rd, 2017) today, you know what that means...
It's time for the Weekly Fanfic Recommendation LINK-SWAP Game thread to continue!
Anyways, THE RULES (read 'em carefully):
Post a link to a fanfiction you like (can be your own as well - it's okay to self-promote), with or without a short blurb.
Important: Reply to someone else's post with a link to a fanfiction you think they might like, based on their choices.
Put each of your choices in a separate post if you want to make sure to get a recommendation based on each one. You may reply to someone else's reply, either to you or to someone else. Please make long discussion threads, they introduce a healthy bit of exploration and can help us find new interests! And that's it!
PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH STEPS 1 and 2. Don't just show up and ask for recommendations if you're not willing to provide any. I'll start the first few threads myself, and reply with a gentle reminder if you forget.
IMPORTANT NOTE. Thanks to /u/BookHorseBot (many thanks to their creator, /u/BitzLeon), you can now use the aforementioned bot to easily post the name, description, views, rating, tags, and a bunch of other information about a fic hosted on All you need to do is include "{NAME OF STORY}" in your comment (without quotes), and the bot will look up the story and respond to your comment with the info. It makes sharing stories really convenient. You can even lookup multiple stories at once.
Ready? Set? LET"S GO! Also, feel free to self-promote in here!
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!
But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
[It has ponies!](/spoiler)
Becomes: It has ponies!
And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread here!!!!!
It is common practice in dressage to salute "on X" at the end of a dressage test. This salute is unlike any other. Is it adapted from something? When did become common practice to salute in this fashion?
There was something strange about this season that I noticed.
Every season up to now has had what you could call on at least somewhat horror themed episode, each one a little more full on horror than the last; Bridle gossip Luna Eclipsed, Sleepless in Ponyville, Castle-mania, Bats, Scare master 28 pranks later.
Every season I've looked forward to seeing what the new season's "horror" episode would be.
But this season, as the titles and synopsis of new episodes came out, there seemed to be an odd calm; a horror drought
At first I thought it would be campfire tales but that doesn't seem to be the case.
All was quiet.
Too quiet.
Than I calculated the episode air dates from August 5th to the season finale, and Shadow Play airs on October 28th, three days before Halloween.
For some reason I did not consider the finale would be anything but the typical adventure episode, even with the villain being called "The Pony of Shadows", but it would make sense.
The Shadow Lock arc of the comics had elements of Lovecraftian horror emanating from an unsuspecting everyday object, and monsters and mummies coming out of books and museum pieces, and The Pony of Shadows is a ghost story, probably a twisted variation of something that really happened like the goal gobbling Nightmare Night version of Nightmare Moon, possibly something the nightmare entities that possessed Luna per the comics.
What's more, To Where And Back Agaim was the most horror like finale yet; the paranoia element of changelings, waking up from nightmares, powerless characters wandering a changeling hive, that exceptionally creepy, body twisting Queen Chrysalis entrance.
Every season so far has had more creepiness and horror than the last. Has My Little Pony in its seventh season become inexplicably tamer?Or is this just the calm before the storm?
Hey all, bobdude here. Looks like I'm continuing the streak of NPT artist AMA's. If you aren't familiar with me, I'm a 21 year old Kansas City native primarily known for a bit of a bias for Sweetie Belle. You can check out my work over on tumblr, or you can see some of my old painterly stuff over on deviantart.
I don't have anything important to do today, got most my bronycon prep work done already so I'll be popping in and out all day to answer stuff.
So I guess go ahead and AMA!
Which member of the Mane Six would have who as best pony, a title so revered that they will spend hours debating the cold, hard fact?
R1: Best pony in the Six themselves
R2: "Best Pony" is extended to anypony in Equestria
What happens when a programmer gets bored? This, apparently.
I wrote a Python script to acquire the entirety of spoken dialog for all currently released episodes of MLP:FiM Seasons 1 through 7. There's a lot more that could be done with having such a database, but for this post I decided it would be fun to see how many name drops each of our "mane" six ponies have for each other. Also, it includes common nicknames for that extra bit of accuracy. Maybe. Here's the raw data when I run my script and tally things up:
APPLEJACK: Mentions RAINBOW DASH 37 times. Mentions TWILIGHT SPARKLE 80 times. Mentions FLUTTERSHY 26 times. Mentions RARITY 66 times. Mentions PINKIE PIE 75 times. Mentions herself 9 times. RAINBOW DASH: Mentions APPLEJACK 44 times. Mentions TWILIGHT SPARKLE 60 times. Mentions FLUTTERSHY 64 times. Mentions RARITY 25 times. Mentions PINKIE PIE 81 times. Mentions herself 27 times. TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Mentions APPLEJACK 97 times. Mentions RAINBOW DASH 98 times. Mentions FLUTTERSHY 95 times. Mentions RARITY 99 times. Mentions PINKIE PIE 179 times. Mentions herself 40 times. FLUTTERSHY: Mentions APPLEJACK 13 times. Mentions RAINBOW DASH 39 times. Mentions TWILIGHT SPARKLE 52 times. Mentions RARITY 39 times. Mentions PINKIE PIE 26 times. Mentions herself 23 times. RARITY: Mentions APPLEJACK 81 times. Mentions RAINBOW DASH 56 times. Mentions TWILIGHT SPARKLE 66 times. Mentions FLUTTERSHY 49 times. Mentions PINKIE PIE 48 times. Mentions herself 37 times. PINKIE PIE: Mentions APPLEJACK 50 times. Mentions RAINBOW DASH 71 times. Mentions TWILIGHT SPARKLE 93 times. Mentions FLUTTERSHY 49 times. Mentions RARITY 54 times. Mentions herself 71 times.
"Ew, gross!" You say. Indeed. HERE IS A GRAPH!
Now, this graph is nice and all, but what we really care about is percentage of name drops per the total number of times they mention somebody. And for fun, this includes when they mention themselves.
Okay, so this is some real data. At a first glance, we can see that Pinkie Pie and Twilight are fairly popular ponies in comparison to others. Pinkie Pie is the most mentioned pony for 2/6 mane six ponies, and one of those remaining 4 is herself, so that's not surprising. For Twilight, she's the most mentioned for 3/6. According to percentages, here's who mentions each other the most:
Applejack: mentions Twilight the most with Pinkie Pie at a very close second.
Rainbow Dash: mentions Pinkie Pie the most with Fluttershy and Twilight in second.
Twilight: mentions Pinkie Pie the most with all but herself basically tied for second.
Fluttershy: mentions Twilight the most with Rainbow Dash and Rarity tied for second.
Rarity: mentions Applejack the most with Twilight in second.
Pinkie Pie: mentions Twilight the most with Rainbow Dash and...herself tied for second.
So according to the data, these are the OTPs of MLP:FiM (not really).
Hope you enjoyed.
Today we had to put down one of our two horses. She was mostly my mothers horse, but I used to go with her to the stables a lot and used to ride the horse for a long time. I knew her for 15 years and basically grew up with her. She was probably the sweetest animal I've known, and have a lot of good memories of her.
The thing is though, she didn't get as old as I expected she would be (Which would make me accept it more.) and it came extremely unexpected. Day 1 I heard she had to be put down, day 2 we had to do it. I also feel rather guilty and regretful I didn't see her much the last two years. I moved out two years ago to a different city and I think I only saw her one or two times.
Sorry for the bad grammar and all that, English isn't my native language and it's rather late.