Horse Wife - Cleanliness
Submitted January 06, 2018 at 09:42PM by Sparroew
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/7oolca/horse_wife_cleanliness/?utm_source=ifttt
Unfortunately both of my boys have white line disease but it only seems to be in their front hooves. I'm not a huge fan of my current farrier and I am in the process of looking for a new one. Does any one have any suggestions as far as long term care depending on how severe it is and preventative care to hopefully stop it from happening again? Currently they are bare foot in a large hilly pasture with gravel in and around their stalls. The pasture has some plush grass areas but it's mostly a rocky/dirty area. Aside from thoroughly cleaning they're hooves and soaking them in white lightning what else should we do? Do they need some type of shoe until their hooves heal? Or do they need shoes after their hooves get back to normal?
Sorry for all the questions. Google seemed to raise more questions than it answered so I wanted get y'all opinion on the matter. Thanks!
Nearly three years ago, a guy on /r/squaredcircle lost a bet here
Naturally, a few of us wrestling fans followed him over to make sure he kept up his end, and we got into it too!
There was a storm of pony-related wrestling art and music, and I can completely see why Tara Strong loves the fans at conventions. Tara Strong doesn't need a nice badonckadock to say all you need is a heart in the right place, any sort of fandom is cool!
Along the way, our beloved BORKTALK visited and became a pony fan: https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/3dacm8/can_bork_be_pony_fan_too/
Also, the guy whose face is on our box to write in, reminding us to be polite wrestling fans, Jervis Cottonbelly came by to ask politely about ponies. He decided Fancy Pants was the official pony of Gentlemania: https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/3db6bz/greetings_bronies_pegasisters_alike_my_name_is/
After all that, thank you. You guys were great hosts, and tolerated us for a week or so, and learned a little about us, and trust me, we learned a lot from you. 90% of the posts on /r/squared circle are trash, ignore them. 10% of us actually think, watch, and read before they write.
So, where are we standing on Unikitty? I think it's great, but I'm rooting for her little brother Puppycorn.
Alriiiight! Now that we've had a week (and then some) of nominations, it's time to actually vote! We'll have this thread up for a week, and then results day will be January 13th!
There are comments below for each category, and then comments below those with each nomination! Simply upvote all the nominations you think deserve to win the spot!
This thread is locked, because it's just for voting! If you'd like to communicate something, message the mods! We'll respond to every question or query and act as quickly as we can to correct any mistake we might have made!
Vote as many or as few times as you want! As long as they're all upvotes. Don't downvote nominations you don't like. This ain't the time or the place.
Whatever you upvote, try to look at the other stuff in the category, too! Try not to just upvote the things you know about and move on. Take some time and check everything out! You have a whole week! Gold's on the line!
Every first-place finisher reasonably tied to an at least semi-active reddit account will get gold!
Feel free to go back to the nomination thread to see the reasons people gave for their nominations! I'm leaving those out of this thread to keep it as unbiased in presentation as possible.