Gotta love keeping your ponies where the public can access them... whats the stupidest thing you've ever seen a passer by doing? I keep my horses right in a city, their paddocks are all accessible (outside the fences) by footpath. They are a pretty popular attraction for the locals and have loads of frequent visitors. Of course, people are idiots and it's not all roses, we've had people get in the field and litter, or try to mess with the horses, or feed them stupid stuff.
One of the silliest, though, was tonight. One of my ponies had been left on his own at the paddock, so I was heading down to move him to the field a mile away to reunite with the others. He's very clingy so I was fully expecting him to running around, screaming like a banshee. Got to the paddock, silence. Called his name, silence. Uh oh.
Hurry further down the paddock, call his name and he appears, then trots off again to the end. Once I'm closer I can see someone stood by the gate patting him. Get a bit closer and i'm hit with a HUGE smell of weed and I can there's a guy there with a beer can and joint in one hand, sharing a packet of ginger biscuits through the fence with my pony. No wonder he was being so quiet!
The guy was very nice (but very VERY stoned) and told me that he'd read about it in a book and that it was a very happy horse who'd eaten half the packet. I did explain he shouldn't feed strange horses human food but not sure it sunk in with my pony trying to nick the packet off him!
Submitted April 03, 2019 at 02:56PM by LiveshipParagon
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