The Problem of Discord So let me get this out of the way. . . I both love and hate Discord. Discord at his best is a clever, manipulative, teasing, entertaining jerk of a fellow who doesn't pull his punches in his jibes and cutting humor all while chaotically affecting the environment to his instant whims.
And at his worst he is a possessive, cruel, envious, quick to anger, petulant, child when he does not get his way or is not invited to something.
And while a lot of that can be chucked up to his being new to friendship, and especially with those who are affected by the passage of time, other bits do not. Take . . .oh 4 random episodes that show these extremes. In Season 8 we actually have examples of both of ends of the spectrum so let's start with the good shall we not?
I ranted about how much of a Jerk Discord was in "The Break Up Breakdown" where Discord was annoyed at Big Mac's love affair with Sugar Belle interfering with their guys night and so he sought to break them up. Not by actually doing anything mind but by being a bad influence and friend. We later see however that if not for Discord manipulating things in the background that Sugar Belle and Big Mac would never have talked to one another and make up. He put their happiness over his own and all in his own chaotic way.
And then there was "A Matter of Principles" in the same season where Discord put the lives of the STUDENTS in danger at the School of Friendship several times, to the point of being banished by Starlight, all because nopony asked him if he wanted to help at the school. And he was rewarded for his actions!
And finally we get that middle ground way back here in season 5 that the Unofficial Episode Discussion are watching now in "Make New Friends But Keep Discord" we see Discord at his absolute most petulant and cruel and possessive. . .and yet. . .I do not hate this depiction of Discord. Is he acting like a child? Yes. Did he learn his lesson? Yes. Did he get off with a reward? No. Instead FLUTTERSHY yelled at him until he finally got what he was doing wrong and got him to apologize to everypony.
And that's an interesting thing no? Early Post redemption Discord has always struggled to find a place in the mane cast and until the Season 4 finale he just coasted along and never really considered just what it meant to be "reformed" and what true friendship meant. I have seen some argue that it is not until the Season 6 finale that he learns the true value of friendship and depending on others but that is a debate for another time I feel as it culminates in Starlight's story arc as well.
I blathered for long enough. What do the rest of y'all think? Did I raise any salient points? Do you have something to note or add or argue? Let me know in the comments below.
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 06:15AM by NewWillinium
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