Bigsiscare by Madacon
Submitted July 03, 2018 at 07:54PM by Sparroew
via reddit
Hi /r/Horses,
First time posting here. Had no idea where else to ask this question, and i know its a bit of a strange one.
So here it goes:
A man is being chased by someone with a gun. In his desperation, he sees a house where he wants to hide. Coming closer, there is no denying that the house is some sort of barn or stable with multiple horses in it. For some reason there are no bars, only the big door keeping the horses in it (they dont have their own stalls for some reason - is that even a thing?). He tries to hide in the stable. Now, the person he is hiding from tries to shoot him from a distance, but misses him, as he is able to close the door behind him (or dodges it idk - he simply wasnt hit). To his misfortune, the horses now are extremely scared from the loud gun, and are going absolutely rampage in the barn, running the man over, killing him.
Is this by any chance a realistic turn of events? Are horses scared by a gunshot in the described manner? Could the guy with the gun expect the horses to run our poor victim over (read: is this expectable behavior for horses?)
I asked myself this for a while now, i think it came from a movie or book of some sort, and i was wondering how much of that is actually true or just made up by someone with... interesting ideas to stretch reality for plot.
I know horses arent scary creatures, so i hope all of you horse-fans arent offended by my question. I simply have no idea how they behave, and i hope to gain some knowledge.
Thanks for reading!