Hey, everypony! Is there still room in the Herd for an old graymane like myself? Hello, everyone. I'm a Brony from back when that term was used a lot more than I've seen it in recent years.
I joined the Herd right after Season 2 ended, and was eyes-deep in the fandom for years, but, because of life circumstances, fell behind the show around the middle of Season 5, when the person I watched every new episode with ran out of time to be with me.
Ever since, I wanted to catch up, but it didn't feel the same by then. The culture had moved on without me. Animations, music, and abridged series had died out, and I was so far behind, it seemed impossible.
Well, fast forward to about a month ago, when the toddler I care for developed a fear of ghosts, and I recall the moment I became a Brony, the very first musical number of the series, Giggle at the Ghosties.
Within a day, he was a huge fan of the show, and I finally had a reason to watch again.
We're nearly caught up to where I dropped off, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the Mane 6 have fared in my absence.
But all of that is beside the point. I come bearing gifts!
You see, I was an MP3 hoarder back in the day. I collected Pony fan music like crazy, and kept it all on my hard drive. But I stopped curating those files around the time I stopped watching.
Imagine my surprise, though, when I look in my music folder today, and find the folder survived at least five hard drive failures intact!
And included are some of the best (in my opinion) fan songs from back in the day. Some of which is still available, but some of which I'm pretty sure isn't!
So, my question to you, fellow fans, is , is there any way I can make these files available (preferably without breaking any sub rules?)?
Submitted July 18, 2019 at 06:20AM by reyinpoetic
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/cerrc9/hey_everypony_is_there_still_room_in_the_herd_for/?utm_source=ifttt