An Annotated Timeline of Equestrian History:
The passage of history in Equestria's past is a confusing and complex thing. As various disparate additions have caused further confusion, they've also added a rich degree of detail - particularly to Equestria's ancient history. This is yet further complicated by ponies' tendency to use "1000 years ago" as a vague measure of long time for events which could not be exactly such.
This thread is an attempt to build a cohesive narrative from all known canon sources. Where at all possible, I have indicated the source used and any additional thoughts or explanations as to why I place them where I do.
A note on Formatting:
Within the context of the following timeline:
Major eras are announced using headers and a brief description.
Events are announced in bold, with notes about them given in italics.
Line separations are used to indicate the passage of time, with the timeframe noted in italics. Events grouped between lines indicate I do not know how they relate to each other.
Pre-Equestrian Era:
possibly 'thousands' of years ago, though note comment above on pony habits of using that phrase
A tentative recent addition, with only one known event and two figures: Grogar, and Gusty the Great. Grogar allegedly ruled Equestria before the ponies had arrived and given it that name, creating many monsters until being defeated by Gusty the Great. However, this raises many questions: We know the ponies are not native to Equestria, so how did he encounter them? Did he attempt to expand his holdings to the pre-Equestrian ponies' lands? What about Equestria's other inhabitants?
I'm inclined to say the writers simply forgot ponies weren't from Equestria originally or that it was occupied by things you really don't want to mess with. I don't hold out much hope for a reconciliation of these disparities.
Pre-Classical Era:
I tentatively classify this as the "Pre-Classical Era" of Equestrian history, based on a single line of Twilight's where she refers to Starswirl as coming from said era. It can be characterized by figures from the Three Tribes (and later, the Pillars) holding dominant roles in Equestrian politics, while the Royal Sisters play a figurehead role.
>1,111 years prior
The Ponies live in lands unknown, with the three tribes in conflict. - ref. Hearth's Warming Eve (HWE)
Equestria is inhabited by an Alicorn tribe living at least in the mountains around Mount Canterlot. - ref. Journal of the Two Sisters (JotTS), Celestia and Luna grew up with them
Migration and Unification: Ponies migrate to Equestria, driven by the Windigos summoned by their warring. However, the conflict continues and Windigos follow them, until the tribes unite and Fires of Friendship drive the cold away. King Bullion still rules the Unicorn Tribe - ref. HWE, JotTS
Starswirl the Bearded was already a prominent sorcerer at this time, as he mentored Clover the Clever. It is likely he rose to prominence as a sorcerer prior to the migration. - ref. HWE
The location of the Equestrian capital at this time is unknown; neither Canterlot nor the Everfree area are settled at this time. The Crystal Empire is known to exist in the far north, ruled by Princess Amore - ref. JotTS
The Pillars have earned their legends, and are united by Stygian to face the Sirens. After successfully banishing them to Limbo, they aim to preserve Equestria's unity by planting the Tree of Harmony. - I place this earlier as the tree needs time to grow. However, I cannot present solid proof of its occurrence relative to Starswirl's finding the Sisters.
Starswirl the Bearded encounters young Celestia and Luna, and invites them to act as rulers to unify the ponies. Despite the end of open warfare, tribal tensions are high. - ref JotTS. Note that this could not be long after unification, as Princess Platinum - a Founder - was described as still "young".
- The *Royal Sisters are Crowned. - *ref. JotTS
- After discovering their affinity for it, Starswirl reveals the Tree of Harmony to Celestia and Luna. They begin construction of a new Everfree palace over it. - ref JotTS
Contact is already established with the Griffons, whose ruler is "Gregor". After skirmishing with the Pegasi, a peace treaty is signed. Contact is made with the Zebras, and Equestria appears to have diplomatic relations with the Crystal Empire.-ref JotTS
Tirek and Scorpan arrive, but Scorpan sides with the ponies leading to Tirek's banishment to Tartarus. - ref. Princess Twilight's Kingdom. I place this among these events, as Scorpan is shown speaking to the Royal Sisters. However, it is still Starswirl the Bearded who takes the lead in dealing with Scorpan and Tirek; the Sisters have not yet come into their true power.
Note that Discord is active somewhere in this timeframe, as he was aware of Tirek and the Pillars' existence. He may have been active in lands beyond Equestria, perhaps fearing the power of the Pillars or Equestria's remnant alicorn tribe. - ref. Twilight Sparkle's Kingdom
- Starswirl reveals the Tree of Harmony to Celestia and Luna. - ref. JotTS.
approx. 1,111 years ago
- After discovering the drain it causes on Starswirl and other unicorns, Celestia and Luna take over moving sun and moon. They thus achieve their cutie marks and become unaging. - ref. JotTS
between 1,111 years ago and 1,000 years ago
Growing increasingly detached from the other pillars, Stygian allows the Pony of Shadows to possess him. The Pillars banish it to limbo by sealing themselves as well. - ref. Shadow Play
Discord arrives. In an orgy of destruction, chaos, and madness, Discord lays waste to the old Equestrian order. The government is toppled.
Classical Era
Thus ends the first era of Equestrian history. This following era is dominated by the Sisters alone taking a prominent role in events. Starswirl the Bearded, the Founders, the Pillars - all vanish from Equestrian history. In fact, the primary evidence for the Pony of Shadows preceding Discord is that the Pillars were utterly absent for the latter.
Note that I have no official source for naming this era. It simply seems that if the past era was "pre-classical", the classical must follow.
Celestia and Luna banish Discord by claiming the Elements from the Tree of Harmony. They subsequently rebuild the Equestrian government, taking a far more central role in major affairs and daily rulership alike. - ref. The Return of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle.
The Equestrian Flag is probably changed after this event to the modern-depicted version, which features the 2 sisters prominently.
- Sombra rises and conquers the Crystal Empire, before being thrown down, turned to smoke, and banished by the Royal Sisters. - ref. The Crystal Empire. Note that although they do not use the Elements against Sombra, I nonetheless place it after Discord due to their central role.
approx. 1,000 years prior
- Nightmare Moon: Jealousy building within Luna reaches a tipping point. She takes on the name "Nightmare Moon" and attempts to overthrow and murder Celestia. Celestia turns the Elements on her sister, but loses her connection to them in the process. - ref. Friendship is Magic, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Note that this is the only event I use a specific timeframe for, as the prophecy of Nightmare's return is quite explicit.
between 1,000 years and approx. 35 years prior
- The long unknown: Celestia rules alone for nearly 1,000 years. What's shocking is that we basically know nothing of this era.
Approx. 30 years prior
- Cadance ascends to alicornhood by wielding the power of love to defeat the witch Prismia. She is taken in by Celestia, who symbolically declares Cadance her niece. - ref. Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. Note that I use "30" only as a rough basis, as Twilight - who I consider approximately 20 - was a filly when Cadance appeared teenaged.
Approx. 15 years prior
- While Twilight Sparkle takes a magic test, Rainbow Dash performs a sonic rainboom. Destinies are intertwined.
It begins.
- The stars align. Nightmare Moon escapes from her stellar prison, and our story commences.
Comments, questions, criticism?
So, what say you all? How have I done arranging this? Anything you would have added or shifted to a different location? Please feel free to make yourselves heard!
Submitted July 18, 2019 at 10:06AM by Logarithmicon
via reddit
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