Knight of Generosity by SATV12
Submitted August 02, 2017 at 08:05PM by QABJAB
via reddit
My fiancé is allergic to the footing that I have in my indoor arena (mason sand). We're going to be building a new barn, and I'd like to try to use footing that he's not allergic to so that we can both enjoy the horses. What other footing options are out there other than sand? Do you have any experience or recommendations with other options? The only non-sand option I can think of is the rubber pellets, but I have no experience with it.
If you've got things for sale, a personal blog/website/channel, and other horse applicable stuff that will likely be taken as spam in the main forum - this is the safe place for it :)
What's the deal with horse auctions and rescue? I'm watching them...but I feel like I'm not actually seeing what's going on. Can anyone tell the real story here?