How do I know when I'm ready to get my own horse? What goals should I be working towards? Hi everyone! (TL;DR at the bottom)
I've recently gotten back into horse riding after having a break for a few years (due to some other pressing life issues that took priority at the time). I've been getting weekly private lessons for the last few months and still hold my childhood dream of some day owning my own horse.
Money aside (I've been told to budget $200-300/week for all expenses including agistment), I'm wondering if you guys could please help me figure out some goals/milestones to know when I'll be ready to buy my own horse? I know it's still a long way off but I would love to have some ideas as to what I should be working towards.
I'm not interested in any sort of competing. I just enjoy improving my general knowledge (e.g. body language), how to ride correctly (e.g. posture, leg aids, balance) and casual riding like trail rides. This is basically what my lessons have been looking like. I know some will say "oh just keep doing lessons, you don't need your own horse" which I do understand, though for the time being it is still a goal I have and want to work towards.
I'm still just a beginner rider and I'm confident with walk, trot (sit/rise) and canter. My instructor has been wonderful in teaching me how to saddle up the horse (and vice versa) and she's been showing me general horse care too. I've asked for her input but obviously it's in her best interest to tell me to not buy a horse ever and keep going to their lessons haha.
TL;DR: Beginner with dreams of someday owning her own horse. How do I know when I will be ready and what goals should I work towards?
Submitted September 16, 2018 at 04:15AM by Mewwnicorn
via reddit