Pretty in pink :3 Dream pony
Submitted September 17, 2019 at 08:56PM by grettaaa
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/d5rmpq/pretty_in_pink_3_dream_pony/?utm_source=ifttt
Ever since EQG3, I always wondered if we were ever going to meet human Sunny. Considering the direction the rather... horrible webseries has gone, I doubt we ever will, but I can dream, can I?
It'd also be interesting if we met human Starlight. Just because I wanna see the human counterpart to Starlight.
So I kept up with the show all the way through season 4 to the beginning of season 5. With the show coming to a close soon, I'm interested in watching it again, but I'm not sure what I need to watch in what order. Obviously, I can just go through all the episodes, but I'm aware there have been various movies and special things in between seasons. Could someone give me a chronological order in which I should watch everything? I'd like to get caught up in the same order as if I'd kept up with the show for the past few years.