Fancy Flutters by TJPones
Submitted March 28, 2017 at 09:15PM by Sparroew
via reddit
I'm currently on the fence about buying another horse, I'm thinking out loud and hoping for some input.
I'm a lifelong rider who has a professional background in the horse community. I'm down to one horse now (from 4 at one point).
My current horse is retiree with chronic lyme disease. She's likely to be euthanized this spring. She has bad Lyme flare ups in the spring and fall, she basically becomes totally lethargic and crippled. I've been unable to keep her comfortable during these periods.
I haven't ridden much in the past year or so for various reasons. I miss it so much, especially with the nice spring weather. I'm not interested in lessons, I feel I'm past the point where they would benefit me on a regular basis as a non-competitive rider. I've looked for a half lease, I haven't found anything I'd be interested in. Expense wise, I'm not looking a huge difference between lessons/leasing vs owning.
I'm at a weird, very busy point in life though. I work full time, go to school full time, have a weekly side project going on but I do still have time for other activities. I'm also going to be out of the country for at least 3 months, potentially 6-7 months next year.
I do have someone interested in half leasing which would cut my expenses down even further. I talked to them about my plan going forward with next year which was basically, either selling, finding another half leaser, or that person taking over the lease.
I'm not sure what to do. I miss riding so much, but with my current horse on her last leg I'm just kind of at a cross roads wondering if I should go back down the rabbit hole again or hold off. I don't want to be one of those people who looks back in 5 years and says "oh yeah, I used to ride." I'm just not sure if the timing is right.
I love it, but it's so much time, effort, and money, but I love it. I love soft pony muzzles and kisses,the way they smell when they sweat, breaking out in rashes from messing in hay, trail rides, all of it. But I'm so close to being free....I need advice!