This baby rocked his first show!
Submitted April 17, 2018 at 09:49PM by Lythro27
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/8d2quu/this_baby_rocked_his_first_show/?utm_source=ifttt
I would loke to hear from multiple people how much theyre horse weighs, and how much (pounds) of grain or oats they give to their horse a day and how many times a day. And also suggestions of good feed.
Hey there! I hope this is all right to post here. I am not asking for money and I am not advertising. What I need is photos to use on my new product listings.
I make handmade costume accessories and I am making a costume unicorn horn meant for horses. It is made of soft plush material so it is safe, and they have two 20" elastic straps you can use to attach to a browband or what have you, and cut off the excess. I would like 2-3 photos per horn, in exchange you keep the horns and can use them as you please. If this is something you are interested in keep reading.
Here are the conditions:
I am looking for 2 horses as models. One of them I would prefer is all or mostly white based on the horns I would like photos of. The other the color is not as important but I would prefer that they have brown/copper in their fur.
the photos don't need to be super professional, but they must display the product well and have a neutral/natural background (nature, a field, a barn wall etc). They must be decently high resolution too, that a good cell phone could take. Preferred that the photo is in daylight
2 or 3 photos per horn (and I will send you 2-3 horns) one of them a nice shot of the head and neck with the horn fully in frame, and the other in a different pose, zoomed out to see most of the body as well.
please no people in the picture, excepting a hand or arm if needed to steady the horse for the photo, but no faces.
you are granting me full rights and use and edit and post the photos as I see fit, in exchange for the horns with no additional compensation or credit given. This is, after all, a product photo.
here is how it will work. Once I have agreed on a horse, I will send you a paypal invoice for approximately 50% retail cost plus shipping, so it would be about $7-10 per horn, depending on the horn plus about $3 shipping. Once paid I will ship them out to you. Take the photos when you have a chance, if it's a nice day, within a week or two. Then, email me the photos. At that time I will give you a full refund on paypal for the horns and they are yours. This is to protect both of us.
I will select two horns that I want to use for the photos with your horse. You can (if you want) have a third horn of your choice in color. If you decide you want a third horn, please let me know what color you had in mind, or if you want one that matches their coat I can reccomend a color.
To see what these horns look like I posted a photo here:
If you are interested, can comply with the conditions, and your horse fits the descriptions I'm looking for, please message me a photo(s) of your horse and if I think they are a good fit we can exchange contact information. Or if you would prefer you can email me here as well:
Thank you.