A big thanks to the mods for keeping us spoiler free! To all the mods: thanks for working tirelessly to keep the sub free from spoilers in the run-up to the finale. There were probably a few sour apples who were annoyed they couldn't post, but I reckon the vast majority of us are super appreciative of all the effort you put in. Thanks to you guys, I was able to avoid all spoilers for the finale (except a couple Youtube recommendation notifications that I promptly dismissed before I was able to get any info from them), this sub was a safe-haven. You must have been spoiled pretty bad, we all thank you for your sacrifice!
Submitted October 14, 2019 at 03:41AM by radiozradioz
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/dho9te/a_big_thanks_to_the_mods_for_keeping_us_spoiler/?utm_source=ifttt