Oh you mean you're trying to clean my stall? Here let me stand in the middle!
Submitted June 08, 2017 at 11:12PM by meehoo96
via reddit http://ift.tt/2r204Bw
(this is a response to /u/fireheart318s_Reddit's thread)
<- uh | uh | uh ->
Hello, everybody, welcome to Weekly Wrap Up, I'm your host /u/FlaminScribblenaut, thank you for begin here!
Before we start, I would just like to wish any and all LGBT+ members of this community, reading this, on the sub, anywhere out there in the bronysphere, a very happy Pride Month! I just want to say I fully support everybody and anybody in the LGBT+ community, your sexuality is valid whatever it may be, and your rights are worth fighting for and I will do whatever I can to help in that fight always.
So let's talk about Australia. Yep, just this morning it was revealed that Australia will be airing the next two episodes, which were planned to be the first two episodes to air after the hiatus ends, early later this month. With pretty much the entire plots of both episodes revealed no less.
Not only this, but the episodes are going to air during the week before Not Asking For Trouble airs in America, meaning by the time the US viewers are on the hiatus we'll be two episodes ahead, and given the hiatus is supposedly going to last at least all the way through July, that means we're going to have over a month of no new episodes with half the fandom two episodes behind. That is ridiculous, and it's gonna be a nightmare for both the mods and thepeople watching the US releases trying to avoid spoilers. Princess Luna on a bike, what horrible thing did we do in the past year to deserve this?
Weekly Wrap Up is a weekly NPT feature that covers MLP and fandom-related news of note from the past week that you may have missed!
Season 7 Episode 9, "Honest Apple", offically airs in the US.
As stated, Australia will be airing the next two episodes of Season 6 later this month, S7E12, "Discordant Harmony", on June 19/20 (depending on timezone), and S7E13, "The Perfect Pear", on June 20/21 (ditto) with very extended synopses revealed additionally.
Season 7 Episode 12: "Discordant Harmony" - When Discord realizes all of the effort Fluttershy goes through hosting their weekly tea parties, he offers to host the next one at his place - tomorrow! Having never hosted a tea party before let alone one worthy of Fluttershy, Discord panics. Only after popping around Equestria collecting strange and unusual party supplies does Discord discover the chaos he's created in his realm. In hopes of making his place Fluttershy-friendly, Discord completely normalizes his realm and then himself. Upon her arrival Fluttershy is surprised to find Discord in a suit and tie wanting to discuss boring topics like the weather. But when Discord suddenly starts to fade away before her eyes, Fluttershy deduces that since Discord is a being of pure chaos, acting normal must be what's causing him to disappear. Fluttershy takes it upon herself to act like Discord and cause some chaos. Discord gets caught up in the spirit of her adorable chaos making, and is soon back to his normal not-so-normal-self. Discord admits he made all of these changes because he was worried she'd see how different they are and end their friendship. Fluttershy explains she values their friendship and likes him because of their differences. Discord is relieved and soon the two are upside down on Discord's ceiling, drinking tea and happily trying to catch sandwiches with butterfly nets as they fly by.
Season 7, Episode 13: "The Perfect Pear" - When Apple Bloom meets Grand Pear in the market, she's surprised to find out that the Pears and the Apples have a long standing family feud. Curious to know more, she and her siblings set off to talk to Goldie Delicious and get a whole lot more than they bargained for. They find out that their mother was a Pear! Curious to know more about their parents they set off to talk to their parents friends who are more than happy to share stories of young Bright Mac and Pear Butter with the Apple Siblings. Understanding their parent's love, they reach out to their estranged Grandfather and bring him and Granny together be the family they should have been from the beginning.
Legends Of Magic Issue #3 released.
Twilight Sparkle: Best Aunt Ever! Golden Book listed on Amazon.
All right, here's something I'm thinking about; should news about comics, books and merch explicitly, exclusively tied to the Movie/Equestria Girls go under the Movie/EqG sections or the appropriate Books And Comics/Merch And Other Media/etc. section? This is how I've been doing it and plan to continue doing it, I just want to make sure that doesn't make things too confusing or that there's no massive majority wanting me to change how I do it. Input is appreciated.
Well folks, that's it for the Wrap Up. Good current time of day in your time zone, Happy No-Pics Thursday, see you next week!
A restaurant named Ponyville Burgers opened in 1972.
By 1982, it was a massively successful chain, rivaling McDonald's and Burger King. Their mascot was an unnamed white unicorn with wings and a multicolored mane.
In 1985, the company replaced her with seven little ponies (Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Starlight) and their little dragon friend (Spike).
These ponies are the mascots for the company, appearing in tv spots, in magazine ads, on signs and on the bags/cups/boxes from the chain.
One commercial in 1996 brings back the old mascot, names her Princess Celestia and makes her the ruler of "Equestria", where the ponies live, as a cute little shout-out.
These characters became very popular, and they remained popular all the way to the present: Unlike many other mascots, they are still a thing, continuing to be popular.
They have gone through many voice actors, and they are currently voiced by Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Cathy Weseluck, Andrea Libman, Kelly Sheridan and Tabitha St. Germain.
They were drawn in a very florid, Rainbow Brite-style animation from 1985-1991.
Then, their design changed to be more Disney-like from 1992-2009.
Finally, they had their current design from 2010-today.
Their personalities have also changed slightly, but they are still recognizable as the same characters, so nothing too drastic.
It has never been brought up that the commercials follow vegetarian creatures advertising a restaurant that sells beef/pork/chicken/turkey/fish burgers, although viewers have made the connection, and it has been a joke in pop culture for over 30 years.
Fan fiction about these characters are unexpectedly popular, leading to a mostly-consistent "fanon", mostly inspired by throwaway lines and images from the commercials: The fan-created character of Princess Luna was inspired by a throwaway line from Princess Celestia in a Halloween commercial from 1998, for example.
Describe how an average commercial from 2017 might go, advertising a new value meal or an addition to the menu or something.
Bonus Rounds
Describe how a 2:30 long Super Bowl commercial would go.
Ponyville Burgers has a marketing tie-in with Guardians Of The Galaxy 3, causing the franchise to craft a series of ads in which the ponies meet the Guardians. How would one of these commercials go?
How would a commercial from the characters' early days in the 1980s go?
In your opinion, what are the dumbest, least sensical, or just worst names of anyone in the entire MLP franchise?
This episode kinda struck a chord with me in a way. I wanted to like it, I think it could have been good, but the way it was done it really... well, wasn't. IMO, obviously. I mentioned in the review thread that I had some ideas on specific scenes I'd change and some people seemed interested in seeing them, so here it is.
First major change is going to be the scene right after the theme song, where Rarity explains her reasoning for why she's choosing AJ as a judge. Now, while I personally don't really have too much of problem with it, I know its something a LOT of other people find unbelievable. So, what I'd do here is have Rarity state that she knows first-hoof how easy it is to get caught up in a design and completely ignore functionality. Show a flashback scene early in Rarity's career where she creates an outfit that's a little too outlandish, leading to some minor disaster. Have her bring up that if she had someone pointing out the impracticality of that particular design it would have helped her avoid an awkward situation. Follow up by having Rarity say that she wants to give the entrants the best, a well-rounded approach, and so having a judge who's grounded in practicality will give them an important perspective.
Next couple of scenes are fine, so the next one getting some major changes is the scene where the judges first meet the 3 contestants. Main change here is that all the fashions need to be sufficiently over-the-top silly. Lilly Lace says her inspiration was a song from the birds being carried by the breeze. So her outfit here would be a huge, showy dress with flowing pieces of fabric (meant to represent the wind) and music notes jutting off in all directions. Starstreak's would be 2 completely separate pieces of fabric not connected by anything (leading to the belt argument bit). Inky Rose's would be pretty similar, except the hood would be larger and pulled down covering most of the face.
Scene would progress pretty much the same as the original with AJ keeping quiet until the end. Rarity would call on her to speak up, and then she'd point out the practical problems with each. For Inky's, that you wouldn't be able to see, for Starstreak's that the fabric wouldn't stay in place once you started moving, for Lily's the fact that its too "poofy" and would be difficult and awkward to move around in. AJ's tone here would be more mocking of the silliness and impracticality. Starstreak's would be the final piece she commented on, which would lead to Photo Finish actually agreeing and then lead into the belt argument between Photo and Hoity. However, instead of that argument ending with Applejack getting angry and going off, Rarity just steps in and says her line about how "we've given the contestants enough to think about".
The Pinkie interlude / guitar scene would be mostly the same. Except Rarity would instead be concerned that Applejack isn't making her points in a very constructive way.
The second and third contestant meeting scenes would be cut / condensed into one scene next. I don't really see a need for 3 complete scenes, 2 should be enough to make the point. So the second scene has Lilly's feather hat, which is now completely outlandish with huge feathers going off in every direction. Inky's crazy button outfit, now with even more buttons (like, the entire outfit is now lined with buttons). And Starstreak's crystal outfit (the one from the end of the episode fashion show) but with the foot crystals going all the way up the legs in both the front and the back of each leg. Also of note, the outfits from the previous scene should all be in the background and unchanged.
The scene would progress pretty much like it does now, first hitting Inky's button outfit and the same criticism of how it'd take forever to prepare (but now more valid since the entire thing is lined in buttons). Though there'd be no "tearing it apart" bit, the scene would just progress to Lilly. Again I'm getting rid of AJ going so far as to destroy the hat, but she'd still point out the ties to Apple Bloom's hat and how this one would be unwieldy to wear and probably get caught on things. Then they'd move on to Starstreak, where AJ would now point out that you wouldn't be able to walk properly in those shoes since they're large and stiff. After hitting all 3 individually, AJ would really get frustrated as all 3 designers would be seeming to blow off her advice, and she'd point out that none of them took any of her advice from yesterday either (evidenced by the old outfits in the back unchanged). With AJ clearly getting frustrated and the judges / contestants taking offense, Rarity then takes AJ and they both leave the room to allow for the contestants a dry run of the show in prep for official show.
So we're getting rid of the whole "THE SHOW IS RUINED" bit. Its silly and overdramatic and you know its going to be resolved anyway. Instead, we get 2 scenes, one of Rarity and AJ talking and one showing the contestants' dry runs.
The scene stays with the contestants after AJ and Rarity leave, and they start their dry run for the show. During which they all have mishaps wherein Applejack's criticisms are all proven accurate. Lilly's model is stumbling around in her first dress, Starstreak's model has to keep adjusting her outfit to keep it on right, Inky's model bumps into a wall unable to see properly. During the second outfit portion Inky's model is frantically trying to get his outfit buttoned up while Starstreak's has trouble getting off-stage thanks to her shoes. Inky's model finally gets set and starts running towards the stage, he gets caught up in the feathers on the headdress Lilly's model is wearing, ends up stumbling towards Starstreak's model, who can't get out of the way and the two collide. The contestants realize that even though AJ was being dismissive and rude, she wasn't wrong.
We're also getting rid of the Strawberry Sunrise scene, because every time I watch it, I dislike it more and more that the moral was delivered in such a mean-spirited way. Instead, we have Rarity talking with Applejack. Rarity asks Applejack if she remembers the time that she and Twilight helped her with her chores around Sweet Apple Acres (callback to Applejack's Day Off). AJ says yeah, what about it, and then Rarity asks her how she would have responded to their criticisms if they had been mocking her the entire time. AJ says something like "I guess I wouldn't have been too happy you were makin' fun of me". Then Rarity asks how she might have responded if they had just been angry and yelling at her, and then AJ has her "AHA" moment about how she's been treating the contestants' work.
So now instead of a "get the show back together" type scene, we instead get a scene where AJ and the contestants come together, with AJ apologizing for being so mocking and dismissive with her criticisms and then getting angry, and the contestants admitting that while she didn't deliver her advice in a very constructive manor, she had good points. We get a modified short montage of them working together on each of their 3rd outfits, AJ providing input rather than just going along with whatever.
Fashion show happens pretty much like it does in the original, except here you can see the impact AJ's advice had on each design since they started out so outlandish. Lilly's feather headdress is now just the normal feather hat, and her original outfit is more streamlined. Starstreak's first outfit has the belt and his crystal outfit just the smaller shoes. Lilly's original outfit has the hood toned down and the button outfit has the more reasonable button count.
The last sticking point is the 3-way tie for the ending. It didn't annoy me quite as much as it annoyed other people, but it did have a bit of that "participation ribbon" mentality to it, just because you work hard you win. So here, I'd have AJ cast a proper vote (I think she'd go for Inky Rose, her designs are the least obstructive / would be the most wearable for her sort of "work"). HOWEVER, I do like the idea of all 3 getting to show in the Carousel Boutique regardless of who won the contest, so I would have AJ go and convince Rarity to let all of them show because it'd be a good opportunity for all of them and there's plenty of room to showcase all 3 designers. It'd be a way to let her give a critique in a more constructive, concise fashion and thus play into the revised moral of the episode.
So there we go. I personally think the episode would be a lot more engaging and a lot less mean-spirited / negative this way, and would thus enjoy it a lot more. I mean, obviously, I'm the one who did it so I damn well better like it, right? What do you all think? Did I make it better, or ruin it forever?
Fans of RaRa, why do you love her so much despite the fact that she has only been in one episode and is unlikely to appear again?
What would your ideal second episode featuring her be about?
Which look of hers do you like best?
Lovers of RaRa, post your thoughts!
Screw it even harder than Poland for airing the EQG specials early in Polish.
For those out of the loop, if you check Equestria Daily, you'll see that Australia revealed not just the basic synopsis of the next two episodes, but THE WHOLE HUMPING PREMISE!
I'm not reading them, and I wouldn't even if you placed a gun to my head, but that means I'll have to dodge spoilers for a while. Thankfully, Australia is airing the episodes early, so I won't have to dodge them for TOO long.
Now's a good time to bring back this classic Rarity quote for you.
Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!
Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!
If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!
But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.
If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:
[It has ponies!](/spoiler)
Becomes: It has ponies!
And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread here!!!!!
So, because it's No-Pics Thursday (June 8th, 2017) today, you know what that means...
It's time for the Weekly Fanfic Recommendation LINK-SWAP Game thread to continue!
Anyways, THE RULES (read 'em carefully):
Post a link to a fanfiction you like (can be your own as well - it's okay to self-promote), with or without a short blurb.
Important: Reply to someone else's post with a link to a fanfiction you think they might like, based on their choices.
Put each of your choices in a separate post if you want to make sure to get a recommendation based on each one. You may reply to someone else's reply, either to you or to someone else. Please make long discussion threads, they introduce a healthy bit of exploration and can help us find new interests! And that's it!
PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH STEPS 1 and 2. Don't just show up and ask for recommendations if you're not willing to provide any. I'll start the first few threads myself, and reply with a gentle reminder if you forget. Ready? Set? LET"S GO! Also, feel free to self-promote in here!
Now there are a lot of shipping going in the fandom and a lot of people have arguments against some of these ships. If you don't like a ship and feel the need to point out why you don't think it would work that find but there are three arguments people need to stop using and here why.
They can't be in love they are different species: Now first of all if they show was trying be realistic this argument this would be a valid argument, but this is a fantasy setting and different species falling love is a very common thing in fantasy settings. Second of all the different sapient species are closest thing in fantasy settings(for better or worse) to different races and ethnicities, and do I really need to say anything about why this is a terrible argument in this context.
They can't be together because they can't have children: First of all the point of being a couple has nothing to with having kids. Second of all if they do want kids but can't have them naturally they can always just adopt or get a sperm donor. Third I have only see this argument use on mix specie ships never on gay or lesbian ships, and while you shouldn't use this argument against either type of ship the fact that I see people use it against mix specie ships only to then say they ship a gay/lesbian couple makes even less valid. Third this a world of magic, is it really hard to believe that they would have some type of spell to allow different species to interbreed. Besides how many fantasy settings have hear of where different sapient species can't naturally interbreed, because I can't think of one. Fourth of all I only see this argument use against ships involving Spike or Discord never against any other non-pony on pony ship. This makes it even dumber because Discord can do almost anything with his magic yet him having a kid with a pony is where draw the line, and Spike is a sapient dragon and how many fantasy settings have you heard of where sapient dragons can't interbreed with just about anything, because I can't think of one and remember one in which a dragon was made of fire and rocks and still had a half-human kid.
They can't be together because one of them is long lived/immortal: How many different settings have you see in which a long lived/immortal has falling in love with shorter lived/mortal? Because I seen enough that as long as both beings are adults I'm find with it. Also strangely I have only seen this use on Spike and Discord and never on Celestia or Luna, in fact I seen people use this as a reason why they don't like a ship involving Spike or Discord only to ship Celestia or Luna with a mortal.