Hissss by MagnaLuna
Submitted September 24, 2019 at 06:56PM by Sparroew
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/d8w6fo/hissss_by_magnaluna/?utm_source=ifttt
Kind of a small thing, but still a nice nod.
My horse has been broken in for approx. 7 months. He's undersaddle and in work 5 days/week. He does, however, resist the bit quite obviously through his rides and doesn't calm down with it in his mouth at any point during his training. He doesn't have a flash so is essentially evading the bit the entire ride through. At this point in his training I do not want to put a flash on to force bit acceptance. It is a single jointed loose ring snaffle with sweet copper.
What is the smartest next step? He's never strong, so don't want the next step to be in terms of pressure applied, but rather where the pressure is to be applied.
He has never been ridden in any other bit than the aforementioned one.
Should I try a double broken loose ring first? A Mullen mouth? I'm not sure what the next step would be to try on my newly broken in boy.
Kind thanks.