Question for rescuing a neglected horse I am planning to rescue a horse from a friend of my parents. (Sorry about the length of this message)
First I would like to confirm something with you guys. He got his horse as a business present from others. He doesn't know how to take care of a horse. But after I have seen the living conditions of that horse, I gave him some advice and offered to help him built a temporary stable (as I am not an architect I don't know how to build a real stable 😂). I specially pointed out that horses are socialised animals they need companies. He ignored every single thing I said. So the horse has to stay in a shed use to be a tools shed. No one really taking care of the horse, there's one person just does basic feeding and cleaning out the poops. The horse is tides up to a pole inside the shed all the time. Only occasionally it can be taken out of the shed, but then tide up to a tree outside with a longer rope so that the horse can walk around in a relatively small area. Do you agree that he is abusing the horse? Or at least badly neglecting it?
I first knew about this horse was in last April. At that time, the horse was already started to show some aggressive signs towards people. That's why I give some advice to the owner but got rejected. After that, I flew back to the U.K. and didn't hear about this horse, until now. I recently heard that this horse has tramped someone (didn't know if it's an accident or else). And because of this incident, the owner is now thinking to GET RID of this horse. There has no equestrian centre within 100 miles and I don't think any farmer can take in that horse for agricultural practice (because of the temper issue). Thus, I assume the horse would probably ends up with a butcher.
Therefore, I have asked my parents to talk to the owner immediately to stop him sending away the horse. And asking him if he could let me have the horse. I said it won't cost him a penny, that I'll take care of everything such as vet's visits and transferring to where I ride etc. I even said I could at most give him £1,000 from my own account (so it won't cost my parents either). I still haven't heard anything back yet. But I think he will agree. Do you think I'm doing the right thing, and am I doing everything right? What should I prepare for if this is actually happening? How can I best help the horse to gain his life back?
P.S. This is not happening in the U.K. and there has no law to protect the horse in the local. Sorry about any grammar mistakes.
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 11:36AM by archdoc_poppy
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