Mentally avoiding season 8 finale. Just sad the show is almost over. So I have had 'father knows best to the christmas special on my DVR just sitting there. There have been a combination of things as for me not watching shows in general. I feel like I lack energy as of late. I'm focusing more on gaming for the moment. Some weeks ago, someone ran a red light and totaled my car and I just got another car recently. You get the idea, just too much stimulation, although watching a show isn't work so I have no excuse for being so far behind.
I guess at the core I'm just upset the show is ending and judging from what I heard about the season 8 finale... I'm nervous about the show's finale in season 9 and the future of generation 5. Although Brony Con 2019 will be fun. I have only been to Brony con 2014 and 2016.. I couldn't always make it every year. This year my friend is flying in from the west coast and we will spend the week together, the weekend of which being spent at Baltimore for the final Brony Con.. I am going to make those 3.5 days worth every hour as I say good bye to this series which has given me so much fun and happiness.
Submitted November 05, 2018 at 09:43AM by MALayhee1993
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