[Rant/Storytime] My weird adventure into this entire fandom and a couple questions. "The last thing that I would ever do is watch the series, that (censored) is cancer."
That's what I told my friends, as well as myself, about 3 weeks back. And here I am now, posting on the subreddit after having caught up to season 5. How did this all happen so quickly?
After watching the Emoji Movie ironically with my friends, we decided to do the same for the My Little Pony movie, on October 8. Following the showing, we all agreed that the plot was paper-thin but it wasn't as big of a failure as the Emoji Movie.
But I actually liked the ending song by Sia, and it seems that (from scrolling through the comments) that there were actually quite a few people like myself. The next few days I spent listening to Rainbow on repeat, and slowly I branched out to the whole playlistadmittedly the "questionable" fanart also caught my eye. My friends of course made fun of me (the whole stigma of being outside of the "intended audience"), but I reassured them that "The last thing that I would ever do is watch the series, that (censored) is cancer." Oh, how wrong I was. I decided to start from the beginning, anticipating sappy children's-book style drama, and I was right. And I absolutely loved it. From the songs to the character development, everything felt so basic and predictable yet enjoyable.
And about a week after that, I became what I had hated just months ago, your average MLP fan, with my most detailed memories was of having "Winter Wrap Up" stuck in my head at the worst time of the year (before Winter) and repeating to a friend of mine who persuaded me to start in the first place because of the songs "SHE'S A F*KING ALICORN" for the 30th time (Btw, why was there drama behind that (if there was?).
So, while I'm away from a stable-enough connection to continue binding FiM, I turn to this subreddit, with the hopes of meeting other fans that may or may not have similar experiences. And now on to my question: In what order should I watch the series/movies? Going back to the first Equestria Girls movie felt strange.
TL;DR: "You either die a hater, or live long enough to see yourself become the brony."/Ironically watching movie turned me into a fan. How did you end up here as well? What's the correct order for watching the series/movies?
Submitted November 22, 2017 at 04:56AM by NoticesYouHaveABulge
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/7eqf3i/rantstorytime_my_weird_adventure_into_this_entire/?utm_source=ifttt