My 19 year old Arabian gelding
Submitted July 26, 2017 at 10:53PM by pinkhorse1
via reddit
This is the official place to discuss the second issue of the prequel mini-series for the upcoming movie! Spoilers within!
This fall, My Little Pony: The Movie hits theaters, and this prequel mini-series is your first look at the fantastic adventure to come! Danger looms over Equestria as a new villain debuts!
Keep any and all discussion relating to said comic in this thread! Making link submissions (say, from screencaps) is okay, but be sure to mark them as a spoiler and state what issue it is in the title for the benefit of those who might be behind!
Additionally, keep any discussion on recent entries on the other comics to their own threads (or spoiler it, assuming it relates to this discussion somehow)
(Want to get into the comics? Get 'em via IDW, Amazon, or eBay for physical copies, and Comixology, iTunes, Amazon Kindle, or Yayponies for digital copies!)
Thanks to RainbowDashShellBash for compiling this information!
I am a 34yo female who has loved horses all of my life but have never really learned about them. I would like to change that and wondered if there were any good resources (books, websites, whatever) that anyone would recommend for me to read. I know that the best learning is probably by doing and I am seeking out local options for riding lessons and/or horsemanship training. However, I thought there might be some additional, non-"hands on", resources that would be beneficial. TiA!
My horse will clear anything, but refuses ditches. Anyone with similar experiences that could help me out would be really great! Thanks!