Advice : Training my first colt who likes to rear up and often falls over. So, I've recently gotten my first colt, whom I fondly call Echo. She's just over three years and the love of my life. I got her with zero ground work ever done on her but she's shaping up really well. I've now put three ride on her after just under 60 days. My only issue is that Echos way of showing she's upset no matter what the training is , is rearing. So much so that she's fallen over three times now , twice while saddled and once while on a high line a ranch hand had left loose, resulting in it wrapping around her neck and her almost choking till I rushed in and pried it from her neck. This being said , I'm really nervous about this tick and how it'll affect us. I'm scared that while in our first rides she's going to spook , rear and fall on top of meI'm only 115 pounds and a rather small lass. Im scared one if not both of us are going to get hurt from this tick of hers. Is there any tips, hints or methods to cut this behavior out before it's too late ? If so I'm all ears and open.
Submitted July 03, 2019 at 05:24AM by laceAnnn
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